从Xcode和Application Loader提交应用程序到App Store的错误


  1. 如果我通过xCode发送,我收到"This action could not be completed -22421"
  2. 如果我通过应用程序加载程序发送我得到"ERROR ITMS-90034: "Missing or invalid signature. The bundle ' ' at bundle path 'Payload/.app' is not signed using an Apple submission certificate" "ERROR ITMS-90034: "Missing or invalid signature. The bundle ' ' at bundle path 'Payload/.app' is not signed using an Apple submission certificate"并且"The resulting API analysis file is too large. We were unable to validate your API usage prior to delivery. This is just an informational message." "The resulting API analysis file is too large. We were unable to validate your API usage prior to delivery. This is just an informational message."



首先,下载WWDRCA证书 。 打开它将其添加到您的钥匙串。

接下来,在“钥匙串访问”应用程序中,select“系统钥匙串”。 确保select“查看”菜单中的“显示过期证书”,然后删除过期版本的Apple Worldwide Developer Certification证书颁发机构中级证书(2016年2月14日到期)。

您的证书现在应该在钥匙串访问中显示为​​有效,并提供给Xcode用于提交到App Store。

