

滚动视图具有内容 – 文本和图像,用于显示信息。

它背后的观点有一些图像,用户应该能够点击。 并使用所提到的滚动视图来滚动它们上的内容。


使用触摸和滚动事件的组合我可以决定什么时候让水龙头通过。 但它背后的观点仍然没有得到它们。


- (void)touchesBegan:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event { NSLog(@"touchesBegan %@", (_isScrolling ? @"YES" : @"NO")); if(!_isScrolling) { NSLog(@"sending"); [self.viewBehind touchesBegan:touches withEvent:event]; } } 



首先, UIScrollView只能识别UIPanGestureRecognizerUIPinchGestureRecognizer因此您需要将UITapGestureRecognizer添加到UIScrollView以便它可以识别任何轻敲手势:

 UITapGestureRecognizer *tap = [[UITapGestureRecognizer alloc] initWithTarget:self action:@selector(handleTap:)]; // To prevent the pan gesture of the UIScrollView from swallowing up the // touch event tap.cancelsTouchesInView = NO; [scrollView addGestureRecognizer:tap]; 


 - (void)handleTap:(UITapGestureRecognizer *)recognizer { // First get the tap gesture recognizers's location in the entire // view's window CGPoint tapPoint = [recognizer locationInView:self.view]; // Then see if it falls within one of your below images' frames for (UIImageView* image in relevantImages) { // If the image's coordinate system isn't already equivalent to // self.view, convert it so it has the same coordinate system // as the tap. CGRect imageFrameInSuperview = [image.superview convertRect:image toView:self.view] // If the tap in fact lies inside the image bounds, // perform the appropriate action. if (CGRectContainsPoint(imageFrameInSuperview, tapPoint)) { // Perhaps call a method here to react to the image tap [self reactToImageTap:image]; break; } } } 

这样,只有在识别到轻击手势时才执行上述代码,如果轻击位置落在图像内,则您的程序仅对滚动视图上的轻击作出反应; 否则,你可以像往常一样滚动你的UIScrollView


  • 转发直接触及视图,而不是调用控件事件。
  • 用户可以指定要转发哪些类。
  • 用户可以指定哪些视图来检查是否需要转发。


 /** * This subclass of UIScrollView allow views in a deeper Z index to react when touched, even if the scrollview instance is in front of them. **/ @interface MJForwardingTouchesScrollView : UIScrollView /** * Set of Class objects. The scrollview will events pass through if the initial tap is not over a view of the specified classes. **/ @property (nonatomic, strong) NSSet <Class> *forwardsTouchesToClasses; /** * Optional array of underlying views to test touches forward. Default is nil. * @discussion By default the scroll view will attempt to forward to views located in the same self.superview.subviews array. However, optionally by providing specific views inside this property, the scroll view subclass will check als among them. **/ @property (nonatomic, strong) NSArray <__kindof UIView*> *underlyingViews; @end 


 #import "MJForwardingTouchesScrollView.h" #import "UIView+Additions.h" @implementation MJForwardingTouchesScrollView - (instancetype)initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)aDecoder { self = [super initWithCoder:aDecoder]; if (self != nil) { _forwardsTouchesToClasses = [NSSet setWithArray:@[UIControl.class]]; } return self; } - (instancetype)initWithFrame:(CGRect)frame { self = [super initWithFrame:frame]; if (self != nil) { _forwardsTouchesToClasses = [NSSet setWithArray:@[UIControl.class]]; } return self; } - (BOOL)pointInside:(CGPoint)point withEvent:(UIEvent *)event { BOOL pointInside = [self mjz_mustCapturePoint:point withEvent:event]; if (!pointInside) return NO; return [super pointInside:point withEvent:event]; } #pragma mark Private Methods - (BOOL)mjz_mustCapturePoint:(CGPoint)point withEvent:(UIEvent*)event { if (![self mjz_mustCapturePoint:point withEvent:event view:self.superview]) return NO; __block BOOL mustCapturePoint = YES; [_underlyingViews enumerateObjectsUsingBlock:^(__kindof UIView * _Nonnull obj, NSUInteger idx, BOOL * _Nonnull stop) { if (![self mjz_mustCapturePoint:point withEvent:event view:obj]) { mustCapturePoint = NO; *stop = YES; } }]; return mustCapturePoint; } - (BOOL)mjz_mustCapturePoint:(CGPoint)point withEvent:(UIEvent *)event view:(UIView*)view { CGPoint tapPoint = [self convertPoint:point toView:view]; __block BOOL mustCapturePoint = YES; [view add_enumerateSubviewsPassingTest:^BOOL(UIView * _Nonnull testView) { BOOL forwardTouches = [self mjz_forwardTouchesToClass:testView.class]; return forwardTouches; } objects:^(UIView * _Nonnull testView, BOOL * _Nullable stop) { CGRect imageFrameInSuperview = [testView.superview convertRect:testView.frame toView:view]; if (CGRectContainsPoint(imageFrameInSuperview, tapPoint)) { mustCapturePoint = NO; *stop = YES; } }]; return mustCapturePoint; } - (BOOL)mjz_forwardTouchesToClass:(Class)class { while ([class isSubclassOfClass:NSObject.class]) { if ([_forwardsTouchesToClasses containsObject:class]) return YES; class = [class superclass]; } return NO; } @end 


 - (void)add_enumerateSubviewsPassingTest:(BOOL (^_Nonnull)(UIView * _Nonnull view))testBlock objects:(void (^)(id _Nonnull obj, BOOL * _Nullable stop))block { if (!block) return; NSMutableArray *array = [NSMutableArray array]; [array addObject:self]; while (array.count > 0) { UIView *view = [array firstObject]; [array removeObjectAtIndex:0]; if (view != self && testBlock(view)) { BOOL stop = NO; block(view, &stop); if (stop) return; } [array addObjectsFromArray:view.subviews]; } } 


问题是你的UIScrollView消耗事件。 要通过它,你将不得不禁用用户的交互,但它不会滚动。 但是,如果您有触摸位置,则可以使用convertPoint:toView:方法来计算底层视图的位置,然后通过传递CGPoint调用它的方法。 从那里,你可以计算出哪个图像被点击。