
我有一个包含UIImageView的UIScrollView。 UIScrollView允许通过UIImageView缩放和平移。

问题是,我想每次都知道手指的动作,而我正在试着用touchesMoved方法来捕捉事件。 但它不工作,尽pipetouchesBegan和touchesEnded被调用正确。

实际上,如果手指运动非常小,则调用touchesMoved,并且UIScrollView不会开始平移。 在UIScrollView开始移动的时刻,事件停止被调用。

有人知道有什么问题,以及如何解决这个问题? 我以为也许里面的UIImageView捕捉事件或类似的东西。


- (void)scrollViewDidScroll:(UIScrollView *)scrollView; - (void)scrollViewDidZoom:(UIScrollView *)scrollView; 

或者在touchesBegan: & (touchesMoved: or touchesCancelled:) events之间检查UIScrollViewzoomScale值更改。


 -(void)touchesBegan:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event { // If not dragging, send event to next responder if (!self.dragging) { [self.nextResponder touchesBegan: touches withEvent:event]; } else { [super touchesEnded: touches withEvent: event]; } } -(void)touchesMoved:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event { // If not dragging, send event to next responder if(!self.dragging) { [self.nextResponder touchesBegan: touches withEvent:event]; } else { [super touchesEnded: touches withEvent: event]; } } -(void)touchesEnded:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event { // If not dragging, send event to next responder if (!self.dragging) { [self.nextResponder touchesBegan: touches withEvent:event]; } else { [super touchesEnded: touches withEvent: event]; } } 


所以,我刚刚提出了直接从UIWindow获取事件的方法。 这当然不是应用程序结构意义上的最佳方法,但在一些自定义的情况下(这正是我所需要的)是好的。

(例子在MonoTouch C#中 )。

创build你的自定义UIWindow (我没有在这里展示如何用MyWindowreplace标准的UIWindow,因为我的自定义逻辑(使用MvvmCross框架),但是这很容易,通常在appDelegate初始化逻辑中完成 – 你会发现在谷歌/堆栈溢出):

 public class MyWindow : UIWindow { public MyWindow(RectangleF bounds) : base(bounds) { } public override void SendEvent(UIEvent evt) { if (evt.Type == UIEventType.Touches) { var el = (UITouch)evt.AllTouches.AnyObject; if (el.Phase == UITouchPhase.Began) { if(OnTouchBegan != null) OnTouchBegan(el.View, new TouchCommandArgs(evt.AllTouches, evt)); } if (el.Phase == UITouchPhase.Moved) { if(OnTouchMoved != null) OnTouchMoved(el.View, new TouchCommandArgs(evt.AllTouches, evt)); } if (el.Phase == UITouchPhase.Ended) { if(OnTouchEnd != null) OnTouchEnd(el.View, new TouchCommandArgs(evt.AllTouches, evt)); } if (el.Phase == UITouchPhase.Cancelled) { if(OnTouchCancel != null) OnTouchCancel(el.View, new TouchCommandArgs(evt.AllTouches, evt)); } } else MvxTrace.Trace (evt.Type == null ? "-" : evt.ToString ()); base.SendEvent(evt); } public event TouchCommand OnTouchBegan; public event TouchCommand OnTouchEnd; public event TouchCommand OnTouchCancel; public event TouchCommand OnTouchMoved; } public class TouchCommandArgs : EventArgs { public NSSet Touches { get; set; } public UIEvent Evt { get; set; } public TouchCommandArgs(NSSet touches, UIEvent evt) { Touches = touches; Evt = evt; } } 


 var window = (MyWindow) UIApplication.SharedApplication.KeyWindow; window.OnTouchBegan += view_OnTouchBegan; window.OnTouchMoved += view_OnTouchMoved; window.OnTouchCancel += view_OnTouchCancel; window.OnTouchEnd += view_OnTouchEnd; 


 void view_OnTouchBegan(object sender, TouchCommandArgs args) { // do your logic } 


scrollview属性canCancelContentTouches = NO允许触摸事件通过响应者链传递。

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