swift 2 sprite-kit中的多行标签?

我需要能够在swift 2 sprite-kit中为游戏制作多行标签。 文本需要环绕而不是离开屏幕。 贝娄是我有,但我不知道该怎么做

import Foundation import UIKit import SpriteKit class JDQuotes: SKLabelNode { var number = 0 init(num: Int) { super.init() if num == 1 { text = "\"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. laborum.\"" } } required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) { fatalError("init(coder:) has not been implemented") } } 

从iOS 11开始, SKLabelNode最终成为可能:

  let lb = SKLabelNode(fontNamed: "Copperplate") lb.text = "Put your long text here..." lb.numberOfLines = 0 lb.preferredMaxLayoutWidth = 1000 



 import SpriteKit class SKMultilineLabel: SKNode { //props var labelWidth:Int {didSet {update()}} var labelHeight:Int = 0 var text:String {didSet {update()}} var fontName:String {didSet {update()}} var fontSize:CGFloat {didSet {update()}} var pos:CGPoint {didSet {update()}} var fontColor:UIColor {didSet {update()}} var leading:Int {didSet {update()}} var alignment:SKLabelHorizontalAlignmentMode {didSet {update()}} var dontUpdate = false var shouldShowBorder:Bool = false {didSet {update()}} //display objects var rect:SKShapeNode? var labels:[SKLabelNode] = [] init(text:String, labelWidth:Int, pos:CGPoint, fontName:String="ChalkboardSE-Regular",fontSize:CGFloat=10,fontColor:UIColor=UIColor.blackColor(),leading:Int=10, alignment:SKLabelHorizontalAlignmentMode = .Center, shouldShowBorder:Bool = false) { self.text = text self.labelWidth = labelWidth self.pos = pos self.fontName = fontName self.fontSize = fontSize self.fontColor = fontColor self.leading = leading self.shouldShowBorder = shouldShowBorder self.alignment = alignment super.init() self.update() } //if you want to change properties without updating the text field, // set dontUpdate to false and call the update method manually. func update() { if (dontUpdate) {return} if (labels.count>0) { for label in labels { label.removeFromParent() } labels = [] } let separators = NSCharacterSet.whitespaceAndNewlineCharacterSet() let words = text.componentsSeparatedByCharactersInSet(separators) let len = countElements(text) var finalLine = false var wordCount = -1 var lineCount = 0 while (!finalLine) { lineCount++ var lineLength = CGFloat(0) var lineString = "" var lineStringBeforeAddingWord = "" // creation of the SKLabelNode itself var label = SKLabelNode(fontNamed: fontName) // name each label node so you can animate it if u wish label.name = "line\(lineCount)" label.horizontalAlignmentMode = alignment label.fontSize = fontSize label.fontColor = UIColor.whiteColor() while lineLength < CGFloat(labelWidth) { wordCount++ if wordCount > words.count-1 { //label.text = "\(lineString) \(words[wordCount])" finalLine = true break } else { lineStringBeforeAddingWord = lineString lineString = "\(lineString) \(words[wordCount])" label.text = lineString lineLength = label.width } } if lineLength > 0 { wordCount-- if (!finalLine) { lineString = lineStringBeforeAddingWord } label.text = lineString var linePos = pos if (alignment == .Left) { linePos.x -= CGFloat(labelWidth / 2) } else if (alignment == .Right) { linePos.x += CGFloat(labelWidth / 2) } linePos.y += CGFloat(-leading * lineCount) label.position = CGPointMake( linePos.x , linePos.y ) self.addChild(label) labels.append(label) //println("was \(lineLength), now \(label.width)") } } labelHeight = lineCount * leading showBorder() } func showBorder() { if (!shouldShowBorder) {return} if let rect = self.rect { self.removeChildrenInArray([rect]) } self.rect = SKShapeNode(rectOfSize: CGSize(width: labelWidth, height: labelHeight)) if let rect = self.rect { rect.strokeColor = UIColor.whiteColor() rect.lineWidth = 1 rect.position = CGPoint(x: pos.x, y: pos.y - (CGFloat(labelHeight) / 2.0)) self.addChild(rect) } } } 

编辑: 你也可以检查这个版本,因为它已经更新了Swift2