


//url of the json let url = URL(string: "http://api.apixu.com/v1/forecast.json?key=6cffef39633d4489a0e101339171811&q=Loria&days=3")! let taskfor = URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: url) { (data, response, error) in if error != nil { print("some error occured") } else { if error == nil { do{ let jsonResult = try JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data!, options: .mutableContainers) as! [String : AnyObject] let forecast = jsonResult["forecast"] as? [String : AnyObject] // I would not recommend to use NSDictionary, try using Swift types instead guard let forecastday = forecast!["forecastday"] as? [[String:Any]] else { return } // Check for the weather parameter as an array of dictionaries and than excess the first array's description var finalArray:[Any] = [] //now I try to parse the json but the result is nil for result in forecastday { if let dict = result as? [String: Any], let forecastday = dict["day"] as? [String] { finalArray.append(forecastday) } } print(finalArray) }catch { print("JSON Preocessing failed") } } } } taskfor.resume() 


 "forecast": { "forecastday": [ //this is the problem that the value is nil { "date": "2017-11-26", "date_epoch": 1511654400, "day": { "maxtemp_c": 7.3, //this is the value that I need 

看起来像“日”键包含字典不数组,只是从[String]更改为[String: Any] [String]

 for result in forecastday { if let dict = result as? [String: Any], let forecastday = dict["day"] as? [String: Any] { finalArray.append(forecastday) } } 


 if let forecastday = forecast["forecastday"] as? [[String: Any]] { var finalArray: [Double] = [] for result in forecastday { if let dict = result as? [String: Any], let forecastday = dict["day"] as? [String: Any], let temp = forecastday["maxtemp_c"] as? Double { finalArray.append(temp) } } print(finalArray) } 


 finalArray.append(String(format: "%.1f", temp))