

JSONValue failed. Error trace is: ( "Error Domain=org.brautaset.JSON.ErrorDomain Code=5 \"Unescaped control character '0xa'\" UserInfo=0x1d224220 {NSLocalizedDescription=Unescaped control character '0xa'}", "Error Domain=org.brautaset.JSON.ErrorDomain Code=3 \"Object value expected for key: Location\" UserInfo=0x1d2242d0 {NSUnderlyingError=0x1d224260 \"Unescaped control character '0xa'\", NSLocalizedDescription=Object value expected for key: Location}", "Error Domain=org.brautaset.JSON.ErrorDomain Code=3 \"Expected value while parsing array\" UserInfo=0x1d224310 {NSUnderlyingError=0x1d2242f0 \"Object value expected for key: Location\", NSLocalizedDescription=Expected value while parsing array}", "Error Domain=org.brautaset.JSON.ErrorDomain Code=3 \"Object value expected for key: GetIssues\" UserInfo=0x1d224350 {NSUnderlyingError=0x1d224330 \"Expected value while parsing array\", NSLocalizedDescription=Object value expected for key: GetIssues}" 

但是,如果我在浏览器中find相同的URL,那么它的工作原理是完美的 请指导我哪里错了。


 {"GetIssues": [{ "PhotoUrl" : "http://city311.smartletmanager.com/city311/uploads/Sideways_SWS_122_154.jpg", "IssueName" : "Sidewalk Construction Permit", "Comments" : "N/A", "Location" : "Rajiv Gandhi Salai Tamil Nadu India", "Status" : "Not Fixed", "issueSubmittedDate" : "2012-12-28 12:40:20" },{ "PhotoUrl" : "http://city311.smartletmanager.com/city311/uploads/Environment_ENV_123_287.jpg", "IssueName" : "Dust Complaint", "Comments" : "N/A", "Location" : "Rajiv Gandhi Salai Tamil Nadu India", "Status" : "Not Fixed", "issueSubmittedDate" : "2012-12-28 12:52:35" },{ "PhotoUrl" : "http://city311.smartletmanager.com/city311/uploads/Transport_TRP_124_342.jpg", "IssueName" : "Resources for passengers with disabilities and taxi drivers", "Comments" : "Tug", "Location" : "Ggj", "Status" : "Fixed", "issueSubmittedDate" : "2012-12-28 14:14:56" }]} 

如果我试图在获取json值之前打印string。 我得到的输出为json:

 {"GetIssues": [{ "PhotoUrl" : "http://city311.smartletmanager.com/city311/uploads/Sideways_SWS_122_154.jpg", "IssueName" : "Sidewalk Construction Permit", "Comments" : "N/A", "Location" : "Rajiv Gandhi Salai Tamil Nadu India", "Status" : "Not Fixed", "issueSubmittedDate" : "2012-12-28 12:40:20" },{ "PhotoUrl" : "http://city311.smartletmanager.com/city311/uploads/Environment_ENV_123_287.jpg", "IssueName" : "Dust Complaint", "Comments" : "N/A", "Location" : "Rajiv Gandhi Salai Tamil Nadu India", "Status" : "Not Fixed", "issueSubmittedDate" : "2012-12-28 12:52:35" },{ "PhotoUrl" : "http://city311.smartletmanager.com/city311/uploads/Transport_TRP_124_342.jpg", "IssueName" : "Resources for passengers with disabilities and taxi drivers", "Comments" : "Tug", "Location" : "Ggj", "Status" : "Fixed", "issueSubmittedDate" : "2012-12-28 14:14:56" },{ "PhotoUrl" : "http://city311.smartletmanager.com/city311/uploads/Transport_TRP_125_620.jpg", "IssueName" : "Resources for passengers with disabilities and taxi drivers", "Comments" : "Ryffhdugdjstiin", "Location" : "Rajiv Gandhi Salai Tamil Nadu India", "Status" : "Not Fixed", "issueSubmittedDate" : "2012-12-31 00:17:18" },{ "PhotoUrl" : "http://city311.smartletmanager.com/city311/uploads/Sideways_SWS_126_736.jpg", "IssueName" : "Sidewalk Construction Permit", "Comments" : "Drrtg", "Location" : "Rajiv Gandhi Salai Tamil Nadu India", "Status" : "Not Fixed", "issueSubmittedDate" : "2012-12-31 00:18:26" },{ "PhotoUrl" : "http://city311.smartletmanager.com/city311/uploads/Transport_TRP_127_84.jpg", "IssueName" : "Blocked Sidewalk or Street Complaint", "Comments" : "Erttyyyy", "Location" : "Rajiv Gandhi Salai Tamil Nadu India", "Status" : "Not Fixed", "issueSubmittedDate" : "2012-12-31 00:19:04" },{ "PhotoUrl" : "http://city311.smartletmanager.com/city311/uploads/Transport_TRP_128_642.jpg", "IssueName" : "Sidewalk Repair Protest", "Comments" : "Qwerty", "Location" : "Rajiv Gandhi Salai Tamil Nadu India", "Status" : "Not Fixed", "issueSubmittedDate" : "2012-12-31 00:19:35" },{ "PhotoUrl" : "http://city311.smartletmanager.com/city311/uploads/Transport_TRP_129_359.jpg", "IssueName" : "Resources for passengers with disabilities and taxi drivers", "Comments" : "Werttyy", "Location" : "Rajiv Gandhi Salai Tamil Nadu India", "Status" : "Not Fixed", "issueSubmittedDate" : "2012-12-31 00:20:18" },{ "PhotoUrl" : "http://city311.smartletmanager.com/city311/uploads/Transport_TRP_130_914.jpg", "IssueName" : "Snow or Ice on Roadway/Sidewalks", "Comments" : "Rtyygguhh", "Location" : "Rajiv Gandhi Salai Tamil Nadu India", "Status" : "Not Fixed", "issueSubmittedDate" : "2012-12-31 00:20:50" },{ "PhotoUrl" : "http://city311.smartletmanager.com/city311/uploads/Transport_TRP_131_983.jpg", "IssueName" : "Pedestrian Signal with Walk and Don't Walk Displaying.", "Comments" : "Rt", "Location" : "Rajiv Gandhi Salai Tamil Nadu India", "Status" : "Not Fixed", "issueSubmittedDate" : "2012-12-31 00:21:23" },{ "PhotoUrl" : "http://city311.smartletmanager.com/city311/uploads/Transport_TRP_132_11.jpg", "IssueName" : "Dirty yard or alley complaints", "Comments" : "Truth", "Location" : "Rajiv Gandhi Salai Tamil Nadu India", "Status" : "Not Fixed", "issueSubmittedDate" : "2012-12-31 00:21:54" },{ "PhotoUrl" : "http://city311.smartletmanager.com/city311/uploads/Transport_TRP_133_33.jpg", "IssueName" : "Improper Disposal", "Comments" : "Ttyyu", "Location" : "Rajiv Gandhi Salai Tamil Nadu India", "Status" : "Not Fixed", "issueSubmittedDate" : "2012-12-31 00:22:23" },{ "PhotoUrl" : "http://city311.smartletmanager.com/city311/uploads/Transport_TRP_134_40.jpg", "IssueName" : "Snow or Ice on Roadway/Sidewalks", "Comments" : "Ytterbium", "Location" : "Rajiv Gandhi Salai Tamil Nadu India", "Status" : "Not Fixed", "issueSubmittedDate" : "2012-12-31 00:22:56" },{ "PhotoUrl" : "http://city311.smartletmanager.com/city311/uploads/Transport_TRP_135_689.jpg", "IssueName" : "Illegal Parking", "Comments" : "N/A", "Location" : "Rajiv Gandhi Salai Tamil Nadu India", "Status" : "Not Fixed", "issueSubmittedDate" : "2012-12-31 00:31:17" }]} 


 NSArray *issueDetailsAry = [json JSONValue]; //objectForKey:@"GetIssues"]; NSLog(@"issueDetailsAry %@",issueDetailsAry); 


 -JSONValue failed. Error trace is: ( "Error Domain=org.brautaset.JSON.ErrorDomain Code=5 \"Unescaped control character '0xa'\" UserInfo=0x8356b20 {NSLocalizedDescription=Unescaped control character '0xa'}", "Error Domain=org.brautaset.JSON.ErrorDomain Code=3 \"Object value expected for key: Location\" UserInfo=0x8357850 {NSUnderlyingError=0x8356b70 \"Unescaped control character '0xa'\", NSLocalizedDescription=Object value expected for key: Location}", "Error Domain=org.brautaset.JSON.ErrorDomain Code=3 \"Expected value while parsing array\" UserInfo=0x83578a0 {NSUnderlyingError=0x8356a90 \"Object value expected for key: Location\", NSLocalizedDescription=Expected value while parsing array}", "Error Domain=org.brautaset.JSON.ErrorDomain Code=3 \"Object value expected for key: GetIssues\" UserInfo=0x8357930 {NSUnderlyingError=0x83578f0 \"Expected value while parsing array\", NSLo 

我通过用jsonstring中的空stringreplace/ n来解决此问题

 NSString *json = [[NSString alloc]init]; json = [NSString stringWithContentsOfURL:url encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding error:nil]; json = [json stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:@"\n" withString:@""]; 

// NSLog(@“json%@”,json); NSArray * issueDetailsAry = [[json JSONValue] objectForKey:@“GetIssues”];

现在我得到了输出。 这个问题是由于服务器端linebreaks。