iPhone项目中的Chartboost / iOS中的Chartboost使用

集成的图表 sdk到iPhone游戏。 (风景游戏)

#define CHARTBOOST_ID @"55c9f216f6cd4572f3975566" #define CHARTBOOST_SIG @"9cc8122cfb05bfe0e171f46990180147e8b6f23c" [Chartboost startWithAppId:CHARTBOOST_ID appSignature:CHARTBOOST_SIG delegate:self]; [Chartboost showInterstitial:CBLocationHomeScreen]; 

但是不显示任何广告。 帮助我找出Xcode中的设置有什么问题,或者是图表提升中的帐号。

加载它们可能是错误的。 我将按照文档中所述实现委托方法,特别是didFail方法:

 // Called before requesting an interstitial from the back-end - (BOOL)shouldRequestInterstitial:(NSString *)location; // Called when an interstitial has been received, before it is presented on screen // Return NO if showing an interstitial is currently inappropriate, for example if the user has entered the main game mode - (BOOL)shouldDisplayInterstitial:(NSString *)location; // Called when the user dismisses the interstitial - (void)didDismissInterstitial:(NSString *)location; // Same as above, but only called when dismissed for a close - (void)didCloseInterstitial:(NSString *)location; // Same as above, but only called when dismissed for a click - (void)didClickInterstitial:(NSString *)location; // Called when an interstitial has failed to come back from the server // This may be due to network connection or that no interstitial is available for that user - (void)didFailToLoadInterstitial:(NSString *)location; 

现在它工作正常。 我们需要在我们的chartboost帐户中添加发布活动。 这里



  [Chartboost startWithAppId:CHARTBOOST_APP_ID appSignature:CHARTBOOST_APP_SIGNATURE delegate:self]; [Chartboost showInterstitial:CBLocationHomeScreen]; 


  • 在发布广告系列中添加您的设备UDID 如何在发布广告系列中添加设备UDID如何在发布广告系列中添加设备UDID

  • 在应用设置中启用testing模式。 如何在App设置中启用测试模式?


这很容易被忽略,因为一开始广告可能会被填满 – 只有在testing期间,他们才会神秘地停下来。



  • 在“广告系列逻辑”下,点击“显示testing设备”button。
  • 点击“添加testing设备”添加每个设备。
  • 启用每个设备并保存市场活动。

(不要忘了在现场不要打勾 – 因为我认为这样的缺失意味着这些设备会继续看到广告,但是您可能想看看应用程序的真实行为)


cb.delegate = self;

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