Tag: libpq

用iOS SDK 4.2编译libpq

我正在尝试再次编译libpq for arm和i386以及iOS SDK 4.2。 我去年做了SDK3.x,没有任何问题。 现在,当我想用​​两个文件创build胖二进制文件,我得到这个错误: specifed architecture type (arm) for file (/Users/montx/mylibs_sdk42/libpq.arm) does not match its cputype (7) and cpusubtype (3) (should be cputype (12) and cpusubtype (0)) 我正在编译,因为我编译的文件不能用最新的iOS4.2 Detected an attempt to call a symbol in system libraries that is not present on the iPhone: fcntl$UNIX2003 called from function pg_set_noblock in image […]