iOS swift imageView不能隐藏在TableViewCell中


我正在使用自定义的Searchbar(来自Ray教程)。 在cellForRowAtIndexPath方法中,我可以自定义我的单元格标签,一切正常。 唯一的是我不能根据if(BOOL)条件隐藏一些imageViews。 我的swift代码一定是错的,因为我可以隐藏这些图像在Objective-C文件中具有相同的if(BOOL)条件。



 class aCell : UITableViewCell { @IBOutlet weak var some label... @IBOutlet weak var imageFacturation: UIImageView! @IBOutlet weak var imageMail: UIImageView! } class PatientSearchViewController : ... override func tableView(tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath) -> UITableViewCell { let cell = self.tableView.dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier("CellSwift") as aCell // aCell is a class defined inside the file where I attach the label and imageView properties var person : ClassObject if tableView == self.searchDisplayController!.searchResultsTableView { person = filteredObjects[indexPath.row] } else { person = objects[indexPath.row] } // Configure the cell cell.labelLastname.text = person.lastname cell.labelFirstname.text = person.firstname if person.hasMailSent == false { cell.imageMail.hidden == true // --> does not work in swift code but is Hidden in objective-C with the setHidden:true } if person.hasFacturation == false { cell.imageFacturation.hidden == true // --> does not work in swift code but is Hidden in objective-C with the setHidden:true } return cell } 


 if person.hasMailSent == false { cell.imageMail.hidden == true // --> does not work in swift code but is Hidden in objective-C with the setHidden:true } if person.hasFacturation == false { cell.imageFacturation.hidden == true // --> does not work in swift code but is Hidden in objective-C with the setHidden:true } 

在行cell.imageMail.hidden == true你基本上是比较而不是分配。 它应该只是cell.imageMail.hidden = true如果你想分配的值。