iOS Swift蓝牙键盘按键检测

在iOS 8.4的Swift 2中,如何检测蓝牙键盘的UpDownSpace键是否被按下,以便我可以响应一个操作? 示例代码将会有所帮助。


你需要使用的是UIKeyCommand。 看看这个: http : //

请注意,要检测箭头键按下,您将需要input: UIKeyInputLeftArrow而不是input: "j" (或input: UIKeyInputLeftArrow ),当出现。 你也不想修饰符(所以用户不必按CMD左箭头键):请参阅不带修饰符标志的键命令 – Swift 2 。


 override func canBecomeFirstResponder() -> Bool { return true } override var keyCommands: [UIKeyCommand]? { return [ UIKeyCommand(input: UIKeyInputDownArrow, modifierFlags: [], action: "DownArrowPress:"), UIKeyCommand(input: UIKeyInputUpArrow, modifierFlags: [], action: "UpArrowPress:"), UIKeyCommand(input: " ", modifierFlags: [], action: "SpaceKeyPress:")] } // ... func DownArrowPress(sender: UIKeyCommand) { // this happens when you press the down arrow. } func UpArrowPress(sender: UIKeyCommand) { // this happens when you press the up arrow. } func SpaceKeyPress(sender: UIKeyCommand) { // this happens when you press the space key. } 
