如何从一个使用firebase设置的IOS应用程序读取/写入另一个Firebase项目中包含的另一个Firebase数据库? Swift 3

我有一个Firebase数据库连接到我的iOS应用程序与GoogleService-Info.plist。 在AppDelegate中,我configuration了应用FIRApp.configure()。 我可以读/写数据。

现在,从这个IOS应用程序,我想访问另一个FireBase数据库brevCustomer 。 出于某种原因, let dbRef来自viewDidLoad let dbRef在Xcode中有一个标志,说这个“不可变的值dbRef从来没有使用过”,而应用程序在有趣的startObserving() dbRef.observe(.value, with: { (snapshot: FIRDataSnapshot) in




  • 我有两个IOS应用程序客户工作人员,以及两个名为CustomerFireBaseWorkerFirebase的 Firebase项目,我希望他们以下面的方式工作。

  • 客户使用电子邮件和密码注册,login,预订,数据保存在CustomerFireBase中。

  • 工作者注册电子邮件和密码,日志是,观察WorkerFirebase的价值改变或添加子
    • 从CustomerFireBase读取
      • 写给CustomerFireBase
      • 写给WorkerFirebase

我怎样才能做到这一点? 基本上,我需要从一个通过Firebaseconfiguration的IOS应用程序读取/写入访问到另一个Firebase项目中包含的另一个Firebase数据库。

 Class Claim { var dbRef:FIRDatabaseReference! //create a reference to Firebase database `brevCustomer`, not the one from .plist file override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() let app = FIRApp(named: "brevCustomer") let dbRef = FIRDatabase.database(app: app!).reference().child("Users") startObservingDB() // observe the database for value changes } func startObservingDB() { //it crashes on the line below dbRef.observe(.value, with: { (snapshot: FIRDataSnapshot) in //iterate over each user node child for user_child in snapshot.children { print(user_child)} }, withCancel: { (Error: Any) in print(Error) }) } // end of startObservingDB() }//end of Claim class class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate { var window: UIWindow? func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplicationLaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool { // Use Firebase library to configure APIs for the initial project with .plist file saved in Xcode FIRApp.configure() /** 1. create a Firebase options object to hold the configuration data for the second Firebase Project */ let secondaryOptions = FIROptions(googleAppID: "1:82424687545:ios:71df5d45218ad27", bundleID: "com.vivvdaplar.Brev", gcmSenderID: "8201647545", apiKey: "AIzaSyCNtyUf2T3UunH6-ci_WyvOqCl_RzXI", clientID: "8200687545-42vklp94reavi6li6bolhcraoofc6.apps.googleusercontent.com", trackingID: nil, androidClientID: nil, databaseURL: "https://brev-72e10.firebaseio.com", storageBucket: "com.vivvdaplar.Brev", deepLinkURLScheme: nil) // Configure the app FIRApp.configure(withName: "brevCustomer", options: secondaryOptions!) return true } } //end of AppDelegate 




我们可以利用这个/用户节点来指明它是什么types的用户; 工作者或客户端,这将绑定到应用程序和Firebase的其余部分,以便他们获得正确的数据。


 users uid_0 nickname: "John" user_type: "Worker" uid_1 nickname: "Paul" user_type: "Client" uid_2 nickname: "George" user_type: "Worker" uid_3 nickname: "Ringo" user_type: "Worker" 



  Auth.auth().signIn(withEmail: "paul@harddaysnight.com", password: "dog", completion: { (auth, error) in if error != nil { let err = error?.localizedDescription print(err!) } else { print(auth!.uid) //with the uid, we now lookup their user type from the //users node, which tells the app if they are a client //or worker } }) 


 app client_data ... worker_data ... 

可以设置一个简单的规则来validation用户user_type是Worker_data节点的Worker和Client_data节点的Client。 这是一个伪示例,它允许客户端用户只访问client_data节点中的数据(概念上)

 rules client_data $user_id ".read": "auth != null && root.child(users) .child($user_id) .child("user_type") == 'Client'"