在哪里可以findtesseract-> setvariable函数的第一个参数的可用属性名称列表?


tesseract->SetVariable("tessedit_char_whitelist", "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"); tesseract->SetVariable("language_model_penalty_non_freq_dict_word", "0"); tesseract->SetVariable("language_model_penalty_non_dict_word", "0"); tesseract->SetVariable("tessedit_char_blacklist", "xyz"); tesseract->SetVariable("classify_bln_numeric_mode", "1"); 


有没有可用的列表? 如果有的话,请给我的链接。


 bool verboseOut = true; if (verboseOut) { //Write to console current Settings char buffer [256]; FILE * pFile = tmpfile(); tesseract->PrintVariables(pFile); rewind(pFile); while (!feof(pFile)) { if (fgets (buffer,256,pFile)) fputs (buffer,stdout); } fclose(pFile); } 

对于所有你感到沮丧的iOS编码器。 find头文件tesseractclass.h中的列表,这里是列表

  BOOL_VAR_H(tessedit_resegment_from_boxes, false, "Take segmentation and labeling from box file"); BOOL_VAR_H(tessedit_resegment_from_line_boxes, false, "Conversion of word/line box file to char box file"); BOOL_VAR_H(tessedit_train_from_boxes, false, "Generate training data from boxed chars"); BOOL_VAR_H(tessedit_make_boxes_from_boxes, false, "Generate more boxes from boxed chars"); BOOL_VAR_H(tessedit_dump_pageseg_images, false, "Dump intermediate images made during page segmentation"); INT_VAR_H(tessedit_pageseg_mode, PSM_SINGLE_BLOCK, "Page seg mode: 0=osd only, 1=auto+osd, 2=auto, 3=col, 4=block," " 5=line, 6=word, 7=char" " (Values from PageSegMode enum in publictypes.h)"); INT_VAR_H(tessedit_ocr_engine_mode, tesseract::OEM_TESSERACT_ONLY, "Which OCR engine(s) to run (Tesseract, Cube, both). Defaults" " to loading and running only Tesseract (no Cube, no combiner)." " (Values from OcrEngineMode enum in tesseractclass.h)"); STRING_VAR_H(tessedit_char_blacklist, "", "Blacklist of chars not to recognize"); STRING_VAR_H(tessedit_char_whitelist, "", "Whitelist of chars to recognize"); BOOL_VAR_H(tessedit_ambigs_training, false, "Perform training for ambiguities"); INT_VAR_H(pageseg_devanagari_split_strategy, tesseract::ShiroRekhaSplitter::NO_SPLIT, "Whether to use the top-line splitting process for Devanagari " "documents while performing page-segmentation."); INT_VAR_H(ocr_devanagari_split_strategy, tesseract::ShiroRekhaSplitter::NO_SPLIT, "Whether to use the top-line splitting process for Devanagari " "documents while performing ocr."); STRING_VAR_H(tessedit_write_params_to_file, "", "Write all parameters to the given file."); BOOL_VAR_H(tessedit_adapt_to_char_fragments, true, "Adapt to words that contain " " a character composed form fragments"); BOOL_VAR_H(tessedit_adaption_debug, false, "Generate and print debug information for adaption"); INT_VAR_H(bidi_debug, 0, "Debug level for BiDi"); INT_VAR_H(applybox_debug, 1, "Debug level"); INT_VAR_H(applybox_page, 0, "Page number to apply boxes from"); STRING_VAR_H(applybox_exposure_pattern, ".exp", "Exposure value follows this pattern in the image" " filename. The name of the image files are expected" " to be in the form [lang].[fontname].exp[num].tif"); BOOL_VAR_H(applybox_learn_chars_and_char_frags_mode, false, "Learn both character fragments (as is done in the" " special low exposure mode) as well as unfragmented" " characters."); BOOL_VAR_H(applybox_learn_ngrams_mode, false, "Each bounding box is assumed to contain ngrams. Only" " learn the ngrams whose outlines overlap horizontally."); BOOL_VAR_H(tessedit_display_outwords, false, "Draw output words"); BOOL_VAR_H(tessedit_training_tess, false, "Call Tess to learn blobs"); BOOL_VAR_H(tessedit_dump_choices, false, "Dump char choices"); BOOL_VAR_H(tessedit_fix_fuzzy_spaces, true, "Try to improve fuzzy spaces"); BOOL_VAR_H(tessedit_unrej_any_wd, false, "Dont bother with word plausibility"); BOOL_VAR_H(tessedit_fix_hyphens, true, "Crunch double hyphens?"); BOOL_VAR_H(tessedit_redo_xheight, true, "Check/Correct x-height"); BOOL_VAR_H(tessedit_enable_doc_dict, true, "Add words to the document dictionary"); BOOL_VAR_H(tessedit_debug_fonts, false, "Output font info per char"); BOOL_VAR_H(tessedit_debug_block_rejection, false, "Block and Row stats"); BOOL_VAR_H(tessedit_enable_bigram_correction, false, "Enable correction based on the word bigram dictionary."); INT_VAR_H(tessedit_bigram_debug, 0, "Amount of debug output for bigram " "correction."); INT_VAR_H(debug_x_ht_level, 0, "Reestimate debug"); BOOL_VAR_H(debug_acceptable_wds, false, "Dump word pass/fail chk"); STRING_VAR_H(chs_leading_punct, "('`\"", "Leading punctuation"); STRING_VAR_H(chs_trailing_punct1, ").,;:?!", "1st Trailing punctuation"); STRING_VAR_H(chs_trailing_punct2, ")'`\"", "2nd Trailing punctuation"); double_VAR_H(quality_rej_pc, 0.08, "good_quality_doc lte rejection limit"); double_VAR_H(quality_blob_pc, 0.0, "good_quality_doc gte good blobs limit"); double_VAR_H(quality_outline_pc, 1.0, "good_quality_doc lte outline error limit"); double_VAR_H(quality_char_pc, 0.95, "good_quality_doc gte good char limit"); INT_VAR_H(quality_min_initial_alphas_reqd, 2, "alphas in a good word"); BOOL_VAR_H(tessedit_tess_adapt_to_rejmap, false, "Use reject map to control Tesseract adaption"); INT_VAR_H(tessedit_tess_adaption_mode, 0x27, "Adaptation decision algorithm for tess"); BOOL_VAR_H(tessedit_minimal_rej_pass1, false, "Do minimal rejection on pass 1 output"); BOOL_VAR_H(tessedit_test_adaption, false, "Test adaption criteria"); BOOL_VAR_H(tessedit_matcher_log, false, "Log matcher activity"); INT_VAR_H(tessedit_test_adaption_mode, 3, "Adaptation decision algorithm for tess"); BOOL_VAR_H(save_blob_choices, false, "Save the results of the recognition step" " (blob_choices) within the corresponding WERD_CHOICE"); BOOL_VAR_H(test_pt, false, "Test for point"); double_VAR_H(test_pt_x, 99999.99, "xcoord"); double_VAR_H(test_pt_y, 99999.99, "ycoord"); INT_VAR_H(paragraph_debug_level, 0, "Print paragraph debug info."); INT_VAR_H(cube_debug_level, 1, "Print cube debug info."); STRING_VAR_H(outlines_odd, "%| ", "Non standard number of outlines"); STRING_VAR_H(outlines_2, "ij!?%\":;", "Non standard number of outlines"); BOOL_VAR_H(docqual_excuse_outline_errs, false, "Allow outline errs in unrejection?"); BOOL_VAR_H(tessedit_good_quality_unrej, true, "Reduce rejection on good docs"); BOOL_VAR_H(tessedit_use_reject_spaces, true, "Reject spaces?"); double_VAR_H(tessedit_reject_doc_percent, 65.00, "%rej allowed before rej whole doc"); double_VAR_H(tessedit_reject_block_percent, 45.00, "%rej allowed before rej whole block"); double_VAR_H(tessedit_reject_row_percent, 40.00, "%rej allowed before rej whole row"); double_VAR_H(tessedit_whole_wd_rej_row_percent, 70.00, "Number of row rejects in whole word rejects" "which prevents whole row rejection"); BOOL_VAR_H(tessedit_preserve_blk_rej_perfect_wds, true, "Only rej partially rejected words in block rejection"); BOOL_VAR_H(tessedit_preserve_row_rej_perfect_wds, true, "Only rej partially rejected words in row rejection"); BOOL_VAR_H(tessedit_dont_blkrej_good_wds, false, "Use word segmentation quality metric"); BOOL_VAR_H(tessedit_dont_rowrej_good_wds, false, "Use word segmentation quality metric"); INT_VAR_H(tessedit_preserve_min_wd_len, 2, "Only preserve wds longer than this"); BOOL_VAR_H(tessedit_row_rej_good_docs, true, "Apply row rejection to good docs"); double_VAR_H(tessedit_good_doc_still_rowrej_wd, 1.1, "rej good doc wd if more than this fraction rejected"); BOOL_VAR_H(tessedit_reject_bad_qual_wds, true, "Reject all bad quality wds"); BOOL_VAR_H(tessedit_debug_doc_rejection, false, "Page stats"); BOOL_VAR_H(tessedit_debug_quality_metrics, false, "Output data to debug file"); BOOL_VAR_H(bland_unrej, false, "unrej potential with no chekcs"); double_VAR_H(quality_rowrej_pc, 1.1, "good_quality_doc gte good char limit"); BOOL_VAR_H(unlv_tilde_crunching, true, "Mark v.bad words for tilde crunch"); BOOL_VAR_H(crunch_early_merge_tess_fails, true, "Before word crunch?"); BOOL_VAR_H(crunch_early_convert_bad_unlv_chs, false, "Take out ~^ early?"); double_VAR_H(crunch_terrible_rating, 80.0, "crunch rating lt this"); BOOL_VAR_H(crunch_terrible_garbage, true, "As it says"); double_VAR_H(crunch_poor_garbage_cert, -9.0, "crunch garbage cert lt this"); double_VAR_H(crunch_poor_garbage_rate, 60, "crunch garbage rating lt this"); double_VAR_H(crunch_pot_poor_rate, 40, "POTENTIAL crunch rating lt this"); double_VAR_H(crunch_pot_poor_cert, -8.0, "POTENTIAL crunch cert lt this"); BOOL_VAR_H(crunch_pot_garbage, true, "POTENTIAL crunch garbage"); double_VAR_H(crunch_del_rating, 60, "POTENTIAL crunch rating lt this"); double_VAR_H(crunch_del_cert, -10.0, "POTENTIAL crunch cert lt this"); double_VAR_H(crunch_del_min_ht, 0.7, "Del if word ht lt xht x this"); double_VAR_H(crunch_del_max_ht, 3.0, "Del if word ht gt xht x this"); double_VAR_H(crunch_del_min_width, 3.0, "Del if word width lt xht x this"); double_VAR_H(crunch_del_high_word, 1.5, "Del if word gt xht x this above bl"); double_VAR_H(crunch_del_low_word, 0.5, "Del if word gt xht x this below bl"); double_VAR_H(crunch_small_outlines_size, 0.6, "Small if lt xht x this"); INT_VAR_H(crunch_rating_max, 10, "For adj length in rating per ch"); INT_VAR_H(crunch_pot_indicators, 1, "How many potential indicators needed"); BOOL_VAR_H(crunch_leave_ok_strings, true, "Dont touch sensible strings"); BOOL_VAR_H(crunch_accept_ok, true, "Use acceptability in okstring"); BOOL_VAR_H(crunch_leave_accept_strings, false, "Dont pot crunch sensible strings"); BOOL_VAR_H(crunch_include_numerals, false, "Fiddle alpha figures"); INT_VAR_H(crunch_leave_lc_strings, 4, "Dont crunch words with long lower case strings"); INT_VAR_H(crunch_leave_uc_strings, 4, "Dont crunch words with long lower case strings"); INT_VAR_H(crunch_long_repetitions, 3, "Crunch words with long repetitions"); INT_VAR_H(crunch_debug, 0, "As it says"); INT_VAR_H(fixsp_non_noise_limit, 1, "How many non-noise blbs either side?"); double_VAR_H(fixsp_small_outlines_size, 0.28, "Small if lt xht x this"); BOOL_VAR_H(tessedit_prefer_joined_punct, false, "Reward punctation joins"); INT_VAR_H(fixsp_done_mode, 1, "What constitues done for spacing"); INT_VAR_H(debug_fix_space_level, 0, "Contextual fixspace debug"); STRING_VAR_H(numeric_punctuation, ".,", "Punct. chs expected WITHIN numbers"); INT_VAR_H(x_ht_acceptance_tolerance, 8, "Max allowed deviation of blob top outside of font data"); INT_VAR_H(x_ht_min_change, 8, "Min change in xht before actually trying it"); BOOL_VAR_H(tessedit_write_block_separators, false, "Write block separators in output"); BOOL_VAR_H(tessedit_write_rep_codes, false, "Write repetition char code"); BOOL_VAR_H(tessedit_write_unlv, false, "Write .unlv output file"); BOOL_VAR_H(tessedit_create_hocr, false, "Write .html hOCR output file"); STRING_VAR_H(unrecognised_char, "|", "Output char for unidentified blobs"); INT_VAR_H(suspect_level, 99, "Suspect marker level"); INT_VAR_H(suspect_space_level, 100, "Min suspect level for rejecting spaces"); INT_VAR_H(suspect_short_words, 2, "Dont Suspect dict wds longer than this"); BOOL_VAR_H(suspect_constrain_1Il, false, "UNLV keep 1Il chars rejected"); double_VAR_H(suspect_rating_per_ch, 999.9, "Dont touch bad rating limit"); double_VAR_H(suspect_accept_rating, -999.9, "Accept good rating limit"); BOOL_VAR_H(tessedit_minimal_rejection, false, "Only reject tess failures"); BOOL_VAR_H(tessedit_zero_rejection, false, "Dont reject ANYTHING"); BOOL_VAR_H(tessedit_word_for_word, false, "Make output have exactly one word per WERD"); BOOL_VAR_H(tessedit_zero_kelvin_rejection, false, "Dont reject ANYTHING AT ALL"); BOOL_VAR_H(tessedit_consistent_reps, true, "Force all rep chars the same"); INT_VAR_H(tessedit_reject_mode, 0, "Rejection algorithm"); INT_VAR_H(tessedit_ok_mode, 5, "Acceptance decision algorithm"); BOOL_VAR_H(tessedit_rejection_debug, false, "Adaption debug"); BOOL_VAR_H(tessedit_flip_0O, true, "Contextual 0O O0 flips"); double_VAR_H(tessedit_lower_flip_hyphen, 1.5, "Aspect ratio dot/hyphen test"); double_VAR_H(tessedit_upper_flip_hyphen, 1.8, "Aspect ratio dot/hyphen test"); BOOL_VAR_H(rej_trust_doc_dawg, false, "Use DOC dawg in 11l conf. detector"); BOOL_VAR_H(rej_1Il_use_dict_word, false, "Use dictword test"); BOOL_VAR_H(rej_1Il_trust_permuter_type, true, "Dont double check"); BOOL_VAR_H(rej_use_tess_accepted, true, "Individual rejection control"); BOOL_VAR_H(rej_use_tess_blanks, true, "Individual rejection control"); BOOL_VAR_H(rej_use_good_perm, true, "Individual rejection control"); BOOL_VAR_H(rej_use_sensible_wd, false, "Extend permuter check"); BOOL_VAR_H(rej_alphas_in_number_perm, false, "Extend permuter check"); double_VAR_H(rej_whole_of_mostly_reject_word_fract, 0.85, "if >this fract"); INT_VAR_H(tessedit_image_border, 2, "Rej blbs near image edge limit"); STRING_VAR_H(ok_repeated_ch_non_alphanum_wds, "-?*\075", "Allow NN to unrej"); STRING_VAR_H(conflict_set_I_l_1, "Il1[]", "Il1 conflict set"); INT_VAR_H(min_sane_x_ht_pixels, 8, "Reject any x-ht lt or eq than this"); BOOL_VAR_H(tessedit_create_boxfile, false, "Output text with boxes"); INT_VAR_H(tessedit_page_number, -1, "-1 -> All pages, else specifc page to process"); BOOL_VAR_H(tessedit_write_images, false, "Capture the image from the IPE"); BOOL_VAR_H(interactive_display_mode, false, "Run interactively?"); STRING_VAR_H(file_type, ".tif", "Filename extension"); BOOL_VAR_H(tessedit_override_permuter, true, "According to dict_word"); INT_VAR_H(tessdata_manager_debug_level, 0, "Debug level for TessdataManager functions."); STRING_VAR_H(tessedit_load_sublangs, "", "List of languages to load with this one"); // Min acceptable orientation margin (difference in scores between top and 2nd // choice in OSResults::orientations) to believe the page orientation. double_VAR_H(min_orientation_margin, 7.0, "Min acceptable orientation margin"); BOOL_VAR_H(textord_tabfind_show_vlines, false, "Debug line finding"); BOOL_VAR_H(textord_use_cjk_fp_model, FALSE, "Use CJK fixed pitch model"); BOOL_VAR_H(tessedit_init_config_only, false, "Only initialize with the config file. Useful if the instance is " "not going to be used for OCR but say only for layout analysis."); BOOL_VAR_H(textord_equation_detect, false, "Turn on equation detector"); 

有大约660个variables。 您可以通过执行PrintVariablesToFile API函数来获取完整列表。

 textord_debug_tabfind 0 textord_debug_bugs 0 textord_testregion_left -1 textord_testregion_top -1 textord_testregion_right 2147483647 textord_testregion_bottom 2147483647 textord_tabfind_show_partitions 0 ....