在Cocoa Touch中协调控制器的devise模式

我创build了一个有很多自定义视图的iOS应用程序,所以使用默认的Cocoa视图不是一个选项。 然后,我决定使用Coordinating / Mediator Controller的devise模式(在iOS的Apress-Pro Objective-Cdevise模式中学习)。


self.window = [[UIWindow alloc] initWithFrame:[[UIScreen mainScreen] bounds]]; coordinatingController = [C6CoordinatingController sharedInstance]; self.window.rootViewController = coordinatingController.activeVC; [self.window makeKeyAndVisible]; return YES; 


 + (C6CoordinatingController *) sharedInstance{ if (sharedCoordinator == nil){ C6Log(@"New Shared Coordinator"); sharedCoordinator = [[super allocWithZone:NULL] init]; [sharedCoordinator initialize]; } else { C6Log(@"Return Singleton Shared Coordinator"); } return sharedCoordinator; } + (id) allocWithZone:(NSZone *)zone{ return [self sharedInstance]; } - (void) initialize{ C6Log(@""); [self checkDevice]; _mainVC = [C6MainViewController initWithDevice:device]; _activeVC = _mainVC; [self checkLanguage]; [self chooseFirstView]; } 


 -(void) chooseFirstView{ // If a language was not setted, go to language settings view if (!language) { C6Log(@"Going to Language Settings"); C6LanguageSettingsViewController *languageVC = [C6LanguageSettingsViewController initWithDevice:device]; [_mainVC.view addSubview:languageVC.view]; } else { C6Log(@"Going to User Settings", language); C6AccountSettingsViewController *accountVC = [C6AccountSettingsViewController initWithDevice:device]; [_mainVC.view addSubview:accountVC.view]; } } 


 - (IBAction) requestViewChangeByObject:(id)object { int buttonTag = [object tag]; // dividend int viewTag = buttonTag / divisor; // quotient int actionTag = buttonTag - (divisor * viewTag); // remainder C6Log(@"viewTag: %d | actionTag %d", viewTag, actionTag); switch (viewTag) { case LanguageTags: C6Log(@"LanguageTags"); break; case AccountTags: C6Log(@"AccountTags"); break; default: break; } 

在NIB中,我创build了一个Obect(协调控制器),我从那里调用IBAction。 它工作得很好,我可以改变我的意见(它仍然需要实施)………



 - (IBAction)chooseLang:(id)sender{ UIImage *bt; [self resetImagesToNormalState]; C6Log(@""); C6Log(@"%@", [sender tag]); C6Log(@"%@", sender); . . . 

当我连接button到这个IBAction(通过文件的所有者或通过LanguageSettingsViewController对象),应用程序中断,有时它显示没有错误,有时它提出无法识别的select器发送到实例EXC_BAD_ACCESS(代码= 1,地址= 0x … ……)在UIApplicationMain中。






 - (void) initialize{ C6Log(@""); [self checkDevice]; _mainVC = [C6MainViewController initWithDevice:device]; _activeVC = _mainVC; [self checkLanguage]; [self chooseFirstView]; } 


 - (void) initialize{ C6Log(@""); [self checkDevice]; [self checkLanguage]; [self chooseFirstView]; } 


checkLanguage检查语言的[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults]



 -(void) chooseFirstView{ // If a language was not setted, go to language settings view if (!language) { C6Log(@"Going to Language Settings"); C6LanguageSettingsViewController *languageVC = [C6LanguageSettingsViewController initWithDevice:device]; [_mainVC.view addSubview:languageVC.view]; } else { C6Log(@"Going to User Settings", language); C6AccountSettingsViewController *accountVC = [C6AccountSettingsViewController initWithDevice:device]; [_mainVC.view addSubview:accountVC.view]; } } 


 -(void) chooseFirstView{ // If a language was not setted, go to language settings view _activeVC = [[UIViewController alloc] init]; UIImage *bgImage = [UIImage imageNamed:@"bg.png"]; UIImageView *bgView = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithImage:bgImage]; [_activeVC.view addSubview:bgView]; if (!language) { C6Log(@"Going to Language Settings"); languageVC = [C6LanguageSettingsViewController initWithDevice:device]; [_activeVC.view addSubview:languageVC.view]; } else { C6Log(@"Going to User Settings", language); accountVC = [C6AccountSettingsViewController initWithDevice:device]; [_activeVC.view addSubview:accountVC.view]; } } 

最大的变化是何时以及如何启动_activeVC …以及_languageVC和_accountVC现在都是全局variables。



 - (IBAction) requestViewChangeByObject:(id)object { int buttonTag = [object tag]; // dividend int viewTag = buttonTag / divisor; // quotient int actionTag = buttonTag - (divisor * viewTag); // remainder C6Log(@"ViewTag: %d", viewTag); switch (viewTag) { case LanguageTags:{ C6Log(@"LanguageTags - button %d", actionTag); accountVC = [C6AccountSettingsViewController initWithDevice:device]; UIView *fromView = languageVC.view; UIView *toView = accountVC.view; [self switchFrom:fromView To:toView usingAnimation:AnimationPushFromRigh]; } break; case AccountTags:{ C6Log(@"AccountTags - button %d", actionTag); switch (actionTag) { case 0:{ C6Log(@"Go back"); languageVC = [C6LanguageSettingsViewController initWithDevice:device]; UIView *fromView = accountVC.view; UIView *toView = languageVC.view; [self switchFrom:fromView To:toView usingAnimation:AnimationPushFromLeft]; } break; default: break; } } break; default: break; } } 

在方法开始的时候,我做了很多math…我创build了一个模式,每个NIB的标签都应该有100个倍数…所以,语言从0开始,占100 …

 #define divisor 100 #define LanguageTags 0 #define AccountTags 1 


 -(void) switchFrom:(UIView*) fromView To:(UIView*) toView usingAnimation:(int) animation{ C6Log(@""); /*************** SET ALL DEFAULT TRANSITION SETTINGS ***************/ // Get the current view frame, width and height CGRect pageFrame = fromView.frame; CGFloat pageWidth = pageFrame.size.width; // Create the animation [UIView beginAnimations:nil context:nil]; // Create the delegate, so the "fromView" is removed after the transition [UIView setAnimationDelegate: fromView]; [UIView setAnimationDidStopSelector:@selector(removeFromSuperview)]; // Set the transition duration [UIView setAnimationDuration: 0.4]; // Add the "toView" as subview of "fromView" superview [fromView.superview addSubview:toView]; switch (animation) { case AnimationPushFromRigh:{ // Position the "toView" to the right corner of the page toView.frame = CGRectOffset(pageFrame, pageWidth,0); // Animate the "fromView" to the left corner of the page fromView.frame = CGRectOffset(pageFrame, -pageWidth,0); // Animate the "toView" to the center of the page toView.frame = pageFrame; // Animate the "fromView" alpha fromView.alpha = 0; // Set and animate the "toView" alpha toView.alpha = 0; toView.alpha = 1; // Commit the animation [UIView commitAnimations]; } break; case AnimationPushFromLeft:{ // Position the "toView" to the left corner of the page toView.frame = CGRectOffset(pageFrame, -pageWidth,0); // Animate the "fromView" to the right corner of the page fromView.frame = CGRectOffset(pageFrame, pageWidth,0); // Animate the "toView" to the center of the page toView.frame = pageFrame; // Animate the "fromView" alpha fromView.alpha = 0; // Set and animate the "toView" alpha toView.alpha = 0; toView.alpha = 1; // Commit the animation [UIView commitAnimations]; } break; default: break; } } 


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