
我有一个组animation,但我无法检测何时点击animationDidStop。 我的代码示例:

[group setDelegate:self]; [view.layer addAnimation:group forKey:@"groupAnimation"]; 



 CAAnimationGroup *group = [CAAnimationGroup animation]; group.duration = 2.0f; group.delegate = self; [group setValue:@"groupAnimation" forKey:@"animationName"]; [group setAnimations:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:myAnimation, myOtherAnimation, nil]]; [view.layer addAnimation:group forKey:@"groupAnimation"]; 

。 。 。

 - (void)animationDidStop:(CAAnimation *)animation finished:(BOOL)finished { if (finished) { NSString *animationName = [animation valueForKey:@"animationName"]; if ([animationName isEqualToString:@"groupAnimation"]) { // your groupAnimation has ended } } } 



 [group setCompletionBlock:^{ }]; 

第一个CAAnimationGroup + Blocks.h:

 #import <QuartzCore/QuartzCore.h> #import <objc/runtime.h> typedef void (^TIFAnimationGroupCompletionBlock)(); @interface CAAnimationGroup (Blocks) - (void)setCompletionBlock:(TIFAnimationGroupCompletionBlock)handler; @end 

和CAAnimationGroup + Blocks.m:

 #import "CAAnimationGroup+Blocks.h" static char CAAnimationGroupBlockKey; @implementation CAAnimationGroup (Blocks) - (void)setCompletionBlock:(TIFAnimationGroupCompletionBlock)handler { objc_setAssociatedObject(self, &CAAnimationGroupBlockKey, handler, OBJC_ASSOCIATION_COPY_NONATOMIC); self.delegate = self; } - (void)animationDidStop:(CAAnimation *)animation finished:(BOOL)finished { if (finished) { TIFAnimationGroupCompletionBlock handler = (TIFAnimationGroupCompletionBlock)objc_getAssociatedObject(self, &CAAnimationGroupBlockKey); if (handler) { handler(); } } } @end 

我想出了一种组织好的animation完成代码的方法。 首先,我为animation完成时要运行的代码块定义了一个自定义types:

 typedef void (^animationCompletionBlock)(void); 


 #define kAnimationCompletionBlock @"animationCompletionBlock" 


 animationCompletionBlock theBlock; theBlock = ^void(void) { someButton.enabled = TRUE; NSLog(@"Animation complete"); //whatever other code you want to do on completion } [myAnimation setValue: theBlock forKey: kAnimationCompletionBlock]; 


 myAnimation.delegate = self 


 /* This method looks for a value added to the animation that just completed with the key kAnimationCompletionBlock. If it exists, it assumes it is a code block of type animationCompletionBlock, and executes the code block. This allows you to add a custom block of completion code to any animation or animation group, rather than Having a big complicated switch statement in your animationDidStop:finished: method with global animation ompletion code. (Note that the system won't call the animationDidStop:finished method for individual animations in an animation group - it will only call the completion method for the entire group. Thus, if you want to run code after part of an animation group completes, you have to set up a manual timer.) */ - (void)animationDidStop:(CAAnimation *)theAnimation finished:(BOOL)flag { animationCompletionBlock theBlock = [theAnimation valueForKey: kAnimationCompletionBlock]; if (theBlock) theBlock(); } 

除了非常干净之外,这种方法还可以让您的animation完成代码访问位于您定义块的范围内的局部variables。 这解决了将信息传递给完成方法的问题,这可能很困难。


Github上的Core Animation演示,包括完成块代码