

- (CGContextRef) createARGBBitmapContextFromImage:(CGImageRef) imageRef { CGContextRef context = NULL; CGColorSpaceRef colorSpace; void * bitmapData; int bitmapByteCount; int bitmapBytesPerRow; // Get image width, height. We'll use the entire image. size_t pixelsWide = CGImageGetWidth(imageRef); size_t pixelsHigh = CGImageGetHeight(imageRef); // Declare the number of bytes per row. Each pixel in the bitmap in this // example is represented by 4 bytes; 8 bits each of red, green, blue, and // alpha. bitmapBytesPerRow = (pixelsWide * 4); bitmapByteCount = (bitmapBytesPerRow * pixelsHigh); // Use the generic RGB color space. colorSpace = CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB(); if (colorSpace == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Error allocating color space\n"); return NULL; } // Allocate memory for image data. This is the destination in memory // where any drawing to the bitmap context will be rendered. bitmapData = malloc( bitmapByteCount ); if (bitmapData == NULL) { fprintf (stderr, "Memory not allocated!"); CGColorSpaceRelease( colorSpace ); return NULL; } // Create the bitmap context. We want pre-multiplied ARGB, 8-bits // per component. Regardless of what the source image format is // (CMYK, Grayscale, and so on) it will be converted over to the format // specified here by CGBitmapContextCreate. context = CGBitmapContextCreate (bitmapData, pixelsWide, pixelsHigh, 8, // bits per component bitmapBytesPerRow, colorSpace, kCGImageAlphaPremultipliedFirst); if (context == NULL) { free (bitmapData); fprintf (stderr, "Context not created!"); } CGRect rect = {{0,0},{pixelsWide, pixelsHigh}}; // // // Draw the image to the bitmap context. Once we draw, the memory // // allocated for the context for rendering will then contain the // // raw image data in the specified color space. CGContextDrawImage(context, rect, self.CGImage); // Make sure and release colorspace before returning CGColorSpaceRelease( colorSpace ); return context; } 


内存泄漏分析器使用方法的名称来确定返回对象的保留计数的更改。 对于Obj-C方法,它logging在基本内存pipe理规则中 。 它指出


名称createARGBBitmapContextFromImage:不符合该规则。 相反,你应该命名方法newARGBBitmapContextFromImage:
