


class Timer{ var timer = NSTimer(); // the callback to be invoked everytime the timer 'ticks' var handler: (Int) -> (); //the total duration in seconds for which the timer should run to be set by the caller let duration: Int; //the amount of time in seconds elapsed so far var elapsedTime: Int = 0; var targetController = WaitingRoomController.self /** :param: an integer duration specifying the total time in seconds for which the timer should run repeatedly :param: handler is reference to a function that takes an Integer argument representing the elapsed time allowing the implementor to process elapsed time and returns void */ init(duration: Int , handler : (Int) -> ()){ self.duration = duration; self.handler = handler; } /** Schedule the Timer to run every 1 second and invoke a callback method specified by 'selector' in repeating mode */ func start(){ self.timer = NSTimer.scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval(1, target: self, selector: "onTick", userInfo: nil, repeats: true); } /** invalidate the timer */ func stop(){ println("timer was invaidated from stop()") timer.invalidate(); } /** Called everytime the timer 'ticks'. Keep track of the total time elapsed and trigger the handler to notify the implementors of the current 'tick'. If the amount of time elapsed is the same as the total duration for the timer was intended to run, stop the timer. */ @objc func onTick() { //println("onTick") //increment the elapsed time by 1 second self.elapsedTime++; //Notify the implementors of the updated value of elapsed time self.handler(elapsedTime); //If the amount of elapsed time in seconds is same as the total time in seconds for which this timer was intended to run, stop the timer if self.elapsedTime == self.duration { self.stop(); } } deinit{ println("timer was invalidated from deinit()") self.timer.invalidate(); } 



 class WaitingRoomController: UIViewController { private func handleSetAction(someTime: String){ countDownLabel.text = setTime; let duration = Utils.getTotalDurationInSeconds(someTime); timer = Timer(duration: duration ){ (elapsedTime: Int) -> () in println("handler called") let difference = duration - elapsedTime; self.countDownLabel.text = Utils.getDurationInMinutesAndSeconds(difference) } timer.start(); } } 


 func doSegue(){ self.performSegueWithIdentifier("asdf", sender: self) } 



 import UIKit class Timer: NSObject { var counter: Int = 0 var timer: NSTimer! = NSTimer() var timerEndedCallback: (() -> Void)! var timerInProgressCallback: ((elapsedTime: Int) -> Void)! func startTimer(duration: Int, timerEnded: () -> Void, timerInProgress: ((elapsedTime: Int) -> Void)!) { if !(self.timer?.valid != nil) { let aSelector : Selector = "updateTime:" timer = NSTimer.scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval(1, target: self, selector: aSelector, userInfo: duration, repeats: true) timerEndedCallback = timerEnded timerInProgressCallback = timerInProgress counter = 0 } } func updateTime(timer: NSTimer) { ++self.counter let duration = timer.userInfo as! Int if (self.counter != duration) { timerInProgressCallback(elapsedTime: self.counter) } else { timer.invalidate() timerEndedCallback() } } } 


 var timer = Timer() timer.startTimer(5, timerEnded: { () -> Void in // Here you call anything you want when the timer finish. println("Finished") }, timerInProgress: { (elapsedTime) -> Void in println("\(Int(elapsedTime))") }) 



改变'select器:“打勾”select器:@selctor(doSegue)'。 你也可以在这里find更多的信息如何使用NSTimer