



  • 领先值( UInt16 ) – (告诉我它的响应部分)
  • 字符串大小( UInt32数字 – ( UInt32
  • 字符串(非空终止),即后跟下一个前导值。


我坚持的是我怎么说动态抓取信息。 检查NSdata对象的第一个前导值,如果它的字符串或int,则获取字符串或int并移动到下一个前导值..


其中一些取决于服务器的编写方式,将数据编码为发送给您的数据。 假设它使用标准网络字节排序(big-endian)对数值进行编码,你会希望它转换为iOS的正确字节顺序(我相信它总是小端)。


 uint16_t typeWithNetworkOrdering, typeWithLocalOrdering; uint32_t sizeWithNetworkOrdering, sizeWithLocalOrdering; char *cstring = NULL; uint32_t numberWithNetworkOrdering, numberWithLocalOrdering; const void *bytes = [myData bytes]; NSUInteger length = [myData length]; while (length > 0) { memcpy(&typeWithNetworkOrdering, bytes, sizeof(uint16_t)); bytes += sizeof(uint16_t); length -= sizeof(uint16_t); memcpy(&sizeWithNetworkOrdering, bytes, sizeof(uint32_t)); bytes += sizeof(uint32_t); length -= sizeof(uint32_t); typeWithLocalOrdering = CFSwapInt16BigToHost(typeWithNetworkOrdering); sizeWithLocalOrdering = CFSwapInt32BigToHost(sizeWithNetworkOrdering); if (typeWithLocalOrdering == STRING_TYPE) { // STRING_TYPE is whatever type value corresponds to a string cstring = (char *) malloc(sizeWithLocalOrdering + 1); strncpy(cstring, bytes, sizeWithLocalOrdering); cstring[sizeWithLocalOrdering] = '\0'; NSString *resultString = [NSString stringWithCString:cstring encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]; NSLog(@"String = %@", resultString); free(cstring); bytes += sizeWithLocalOrdering; length -= sizeWithLocalOrdering; // Do whatever you need to with the string } else if (typeWithLocalOrdering == NUMBER_TYPE) { // NUMBER_TYPE is whatever type value corresponds to a number memcpy(&numberWithNetworkOrdering, bytes, sizeof(uint32_t)); numberWithLocalOrdering = CFSwapInt32BigToHost(numberWithNetworkOrdering); NSLog(@"Number = %u", numberWithLocalOrdering); bytes += sizeof(uint32_t); length -= sizeof(uint32_t); // Do whatever you need to with the number } } 


 NSData* data; struct headerType { uint16_t type; uint32_t length; }; const struct headerType* header=(const struct headerType*)[data bytes]; // get the header of the response if (header->type==1) { const char* text=((const char*)header)+6; // skip the header (16bits+32bits=6 bytes offset) } 


 NSData* data; const uint8_t* cursor=(const uint8_t*)[data bytes]; while (true) { uint16_t type=*((uint16_t*)cursor); cursor+=2; if (cursor==1) { // string uint32_t length=*((uint32_t*)cursor); cursor+=4; const char* str=(const char*)cursor; cursor+=length; } else if (cursor==2) { // another type } else break; }