


@IBOutlet weak var clockWidthConstraint: NSLayoutConstraint! override func updateViewConstraints() { super.updateViewConstraints() confirmTopConstraint.constant = 40.0 clockWidthConstraint.multiplier = 0.1 // Gives me the error! } 



 var multiplier: CGFloat { get } 

您只能在创建时指定乘数。 相反,您可以在运行时更改非常量constant属性:

 var constant: CGFloat 


这需要一点点努力,但是要更改不可变属性,您必须创建一个新约束并复制除要更改的属性之外的所有属性。 我一直在玩这种不同的技术,但我正在探索这种forms:

 let constraint = self.aspectRatioConstraint.with() { (inout c:NSLayoutConstraint.Model) in c.multiplier = self.aspectRatio } 


 var aspectRatio:CGFloat = 1.0 { didSet { // remove, update, and add constraint self.removeConstraint(self.aspectRatioConstraint) self.aspectRatioConstraint = self.aspectRatioConstraint.with() { (inout c:NSLayoutConstraint.Model) in c.multiplier = self.aspectRatio } self.addConstraint(self.aspectRatioConstraint) self.setNeedsLayout() }} 


 extension NSLayoutConstraint { class Model { init(item view1: UIView, attribute attr1: NSLayoutAttribute, relatedBy relation: NSLayoutRelation, toItem view2: UIView?, attribute attr2: NSLayoutAttribute, multiplier: CGFloat, constant c: CGFloat, priority:UILayoutPriority = 1000) { self.firstItem = view1 self.firstAttribute = attr1 self.relation = relation self.secondItem = view2 self.secondAttribute = attr2 self.multiplier = multiplier self.constant = c self.priority = priority } var firstItem:UIView var firstAttribute:NSLayoutAttribute var relation:NSLayoutRelation var secondItem:UIView? var secondAttribute:NSLayoutAttribute var multiplier:CGFloat = 1.0 var constant:CGFloat = 0 var priority:UILayoutPriority = 1000 } func priority(priority:UILayoutPriority) -> NSLayoutConstraint { self.priority = priority; return self } func with(configure:(inout Model)->()) -> NSLayoutConstraint { // build and configure model var m = Model( item: self.firstItem as! UIView, attribute: self.firstAttribute, relatedBy: self.relation, toItem: self.secondItem as? UIView, attribute: self.secondAttribute, multiplier: self.multiplier, constant: self.constant) configure(&m) // build and return contraint from model var constraint = NSLayoutConstraint( item: m.firstItem, attribute: m.firstAttribute, relatedBy: m.relation, toItem: m.secondItem, attribute: m.secondAttribute, multiplier: m.multiplier, constant: m.constant) return constraint } }