
最近我一直在使用dispatch_after而不是performSelector:withObject:afterDelay,当我想在延迟后触发一些代码。 代码更清晰,可以访问封闭范围,我可以将代码放入内联而不是编写丢弃方法等等。


dispatch_after(dispatch_time(DISPATCH_TIME_NOW, delay * NSEC_PER_SEC), dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ //Delayed-execution code goes here. } ); 

但是,我最近发现这段代码的执行时间似乎比请求的速度慢了大约10%。 如果我要求延迟10秒,我的块将在11秒后执行。 这是在iOS设备上。 时间似乎在模拟器上非常接近。


 NSTimeInterval startTime = [NSDate timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate]; dispatch_after(dispatch_time(DISPATCH_TIME_NOW, delay * NSEC_PER_SEC), dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ NSTimeInterval actualDelay = [NSDate timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate] - startTime; NSLog(@"Requested delay = %.3f. Atual delay = %.3f", delay, actualDelay); //Delayed-execution code goes here. } ); 

我已经在从iOS 4S到iPad Air的设备上进行了测试,并且额外的延迟非常一致。 我还没有在像iPhone 4或iPad 2这样的旧设备上进行测试,尽管我很快就会这样做。

我可能期望在延迟中有20-50毫秒的“斜率”,但是一致的10% – 11%的过冲是奇怪的。


 #define delay_fudge 0.912557 //Value calculated based on averages from testing. NSTimeInterval startTime = [NSDate timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate]; dispatch_after(dispatch_time(DISPATCH_TIME_NOW, delay * delay_fudge * NSEC_PER_SEC), dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ NSTimeInterval actualDelay = [NSDate timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate] - startTime; NSLog(@"Requested delay = %.3f. Actual delay = %.3f", delay, actualDelay); //Delayed-execution code goes here. } ); 


您可能听说过Timer Coalescing和App Nap–这有助于降低功耗。

你在这里观察的是将系统事件延迟到某个“余地值”的效果,以便能够在一个时间点“定时器合并” 一起执行它们。 这将增加CPU在功耗降低模式下的持续时间。

对于调度lib,有一个标志可用于提高“余地值”的准确性,这也最终影响计时器的准确性(见下文)。 我不认为让定时器不必要准确是个好主意 – 例如移动设备。

我的怀疑是, dispatch_after将使用具有特定余地值集的调度计时器,这是实现定义的。

您可以使用dispatch_source_set_timer()在dispatch lib中实现非常准确的计时器,您还可以在其中指定“余地值”。

另请参见: dispatch/source.h

 /*! * @typedef dispatch_source_timer_flags_t * Type of dispatch_source_timer flags * * @constant DISPATCH_TIMER_STRICT * Specifies that the system should make a best effort to strictly observe the * leeway value specified for the timer via dispatch_source_set_timer(), even * if that value is smaller than the default leeway value that would be applied * to the timer otherwise. A minimal amount of leeway will be applied to the * timer even if this flag is specified. * * CAUTION: Use of this flag may override power-saving techniques employed by * the system and cause higher power consumption, so it must be used with care * and only when absolutely necessary. */ #define DISPATCH_TIMER_STRICT 0x1 ... * Any fire of the timer may be delayed by the system in order to improve power * consumption and system performance. The upper limit to the allowable delay * may be configured with the 'leeway' argument, the lower limit is under the * control of the system. *