
我有一个自定义单元格,因为我有“名称”,“地址”“评级视图”。 评级视图是评级视图的一个单独的库文件,它将有3个图像(全星,半星,空星)。 现在,根据我的json数据,我对每个单元格都有一些评级值。 像下面的json结构:


class customCell: UITableViewCell { @IBOutlet weak var vendorName: UILabel! // vendor label name @IBOutlet weak var vendorAddress: UILabel! // vendor address aname override func awakeFromNib() { super.awakeFromNib() // Initialization code } 



  func tableView(tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath) -> UITableViewCell { // if cell tap condition if(isTapped == true && indexPath == selectedIndex) { if (premiumUserCheck && indexPath == selectedIndex ) { let cell1:premiumUsercell = self.tableView.dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier("cell3") as! premiumUsercell cell1.phoneNumber = (arrDict[indexPath.section] .valueForKey("phone") as? String)! cell1.vendorName3.text=arrDict[indexPath.section] .valueForKey("name") as? String cell1.vendorAdddress3.text=arrDict[indexPath.section] .valueForKey("address") as? String print("premium user") return cell1 } else { let cell1:ExpandCell = self.tableView.dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier("cell2") as! ExpandCell cell1.VendorName.text=arrDict[indexPath.section] .valueForKey("name") as? String cell1.vendorAdress.text=arrDict[indexPath.section] .valueForKey("address") as? String //cell1.externalView.hidden = true print("non premium user") return cell1 } } // show default cutsom cell let cell:customCell = self.tableView.dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier("cell") as! customCell cell.vendorName.text=arrDict[indexPath.section] .valueForKey("name") as? String cell.vendorAddress.text=arrDict[indexPath.section] .valueForKey("address") as? String print("norml user") return cell } 

下面的代码是评级视图是一些库文件,我用它来评级视图。 我将自定义视图放在我的自定义单元格中的一个视图下。我必须在自定义单元格中选择我的视图。 我必须将该特定类分配为RatingView类。然后,如果我在我的自定义单元格中单击我的评级视图,我可以看到如下图像设置`评级星,星数,关闭,空半图:



 import UIKit @objc public protocol RatingViewDelegate { /** Called when user's touch ends - parameter ratingView: Rating view, which calls this method - parameter didChangeRating newRating: New rating */ func ratingView(ratingView: RatingView, didChangeRating newRating: Float) } /** Rating bar, fully customisable from Interface builder */ @IBDesignable public class RatingView: UIView { /// Total number of stars @IBInspectable public var starCount: Int = 5 /// Image of unlit star, if nil "starryStars_off" is used @IBInspectable public var offImage: UIImage? /// Image of fully lit star, if nil "starryStars_on" is used @IBInspectable public var onImage: UIImage? /// Image of half-lit star, if nil "starryStars_half" is used @IBInspectable public var halfImage: UIImage? /// Current rating, updates star images after setting @IBInspectable public var rating: Float = Float(0) { didSet { // If rating is more than starCount simply set it to starCount rating = min(Float(starCount), rating) updateRating() } } /// If set to "false" only full stars will be lit @IBInspectable public var halfStarsAllowed: Bool = true /// If set to "false" user will not be able to edit the rating @IBInspectable public var editable: Bool = true /// Delegate, must confrom to *RatingViewDelegate* protocol public weak var delegate: RatingViewDelegate? var stars = [UIImageView]() override init(frame: CGRect) { super.init(frame: frame) customInit() } required public init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) { super.init(coder: aDecoder) } override public func awakeFromNib() { super.awakeFromNib() customInit() } override public func prepareForInterfaceBuilder() { super.prepareForInterfaceBuilder() customInit() } func customInit() { let bundle = NSBundle(forClass: RatingView.self) if offImage == nil { offImage = UIImage(named: "star_empty", inBundle: bundle, compatibleWithTraitCollection: self.traitCollection) } if onImage == nil { onImage = UIImage(named: "star_full", inBundle: bundle, compatibleWithTraitCollection: self.traitCollection) } if halfImage == nil { halfImage = UIImage(named: "star_half_full", inBundle: bundle, compatibleWithTraitCollection: self.traitCollection) } guard let offImage = offImage else { assert(false, "offImage is not set") return } for var i = 1; i <= starCount; i++ { let iv = UIImageView(image: offImage) addSubview(iv) stars.append(iv) } layoutStars() updateRating() } override public func layoutSubviews() { super.layoutSubviews() layoutStars() } func layoutStars() { if stars.count != 0, let offImage = stars.first?.image { let halfWidth = offImage.size.width/2 let distance = (bounds.size.width - (offImage.size.width * CGFloat(starCount))) / CGFloat(starCount + 1) + halfWidth var i = 1 for iv in stars { iv.frame = CGRectMake(0, 0, offImage.size.width, offImage.size.height) iv.center = CGPointMake(CGFloat(i) * distance + halfWidth * CGFloat(i - 1), self.frame.size.height/2) i++ } } } /** Compute and adjust rating when user touches begin/move/end */ func handleTouches(touches: Set) { let touch = touches.first! let touchLocation = touch.locationInView(self) for var i = starCount - 1; i >= 0; i-- { let imageView = stars[i] let x = touchLocation.x; if x >= imageView.center.x { rating = Float(i) + 1 return } else if x >= CGRectGetMinX(imageView.frame) && halfStarsAllowed { rating = Float(i) + 0.5 return } } rating = 0 } /** Adjust images on image views to represent new rating */ func updateRating() { // To avoid crash when using IB if stars.count == 0 { return } // Set every full star var i = 1 for ; i  starCount { return } // Now add a half star if rating - Float(i) + 1 >= 0.5 { let star = stars[i-1] star.image = halfImage i++ } for ; i <= starCount; i++ { let star = stars[i-1] star.image = offImage } } } // MARK: Override UIResponder methods extension RatingView { override public func touchesBegan(touches: Set, withEvent event: UIEvent?) { guard editable else { return } handleTouches(touches) } override public func touchesMoved(touches: Set, withEvent event: UIEvent?) { guard editable else { return } handleTouches(touches) } override public func touchesEnded(touches: Set, withEvent event: UIEvent?) { guard editable else { return } handleTouches(touches) guard let delegate = delegate else { return } delegate.ratingView(self, didChangeRating: rating) } } 


请帮帮我。 我喜欢动态获取json数据?


更新 :

 customcell.swift @IBOutlet weak var ratingView: RatingView! @IBOutlet weak var vendorName: UILabel! // vendor label name @IBOutlet weak var vendorAddress: UILabel! // vendor address aname override func awakeFromNib() { super.awakeFromNib() super.awakeFromNib() //ratingView = RatingView(frame:CGRectMake(0, 0, cellWidth, cellHeight)) // Initialization code } 


 let cell:customCell = self.tableView.dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier("cell") as! customCell let ratingString = "\(arrDict[indexPath.section].valueForKey("rating"))" cell.ratingView?.rating = Float(ratingString)! cell.vendorName.text=arrDict[indexPath.section] .valueForKey("name") as? String cell.vendorAddress.text=arrDict[indexPath.section] .valueForKey("address") as? String 

RatingView添加为TableViewCellawakeNib方法中的子视图,并将其作为全局变量,称为ratingView 。 然后

 var ratingView:RatingView? = nil override func awakeFromNib() { super.awakeFromNib() ratingView = RatingView(frame:CGRectMake(0, 0, cellWidth, cellHeight)) // your requiredFrame } 


 let ratingString = "\(arrDict[indexPath.section].valueForKey("rating"))" if let ratingValue = Float(ratingString) { cell1.ratingView?.rating = ratingValue } else { cell1.ratingView?.rating = 0 }