如何从命令行中删除iOS 8 Simulator中的应用程序?

我在iOS模拟器中运行自动化,我必须在另一次运行之前删除它。 如何从命令行中删除iOS模拟器中的应用程序?

对于每个模拟器设备目录(位于~/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/* ),我尝试删除./data/Containers/Bundle/Application/./data/Containers/Data/Application/

即使我试图通过长时间按下模拟器中的应用程序删除应用程序(应用程序变得晃动)并单击X按钮,用户默认值也没有被清除。 我希望应用程序状态100%干净。


使用Xcode 6.1,要卸载应用程序,请使用以下命令:

 xcrun simctl uninstall booted com.example.apple-samplecode.UICatalog 



但是,在Xcode 6中,命令xcrun有一个名为simctl新子命令,它允许我管理iOS模拟器,包括重置模拟器和安装应用程序。


 xcrun simctl erase [device ID] 

如果xcrun simctl list )返回

 9DDA0CFE-7CEC-40B6-A343-1EC01F282B22 (active, disconnected) Watch: Apple Watch Series 2 - 42mm (88474523-163E-4021-B591-2AECBFA26997) (Shutdown) Phone: iPhone 7 Plus (5785E680-15CD-42D3-82AB-597286A270C5) (Shutdown) 


 xcrun simctl erase 88474523-163E-4021-B591-2AECBFA26997 xcrun simctl erase 5785E680-15CD-42D3-82AB-597286A270C5 


 xcrun simctl list 

这将重置模拟器(相当于iOS Simulator > Reset Contents and Settings...菜单项)。

使用Xcode 6.0.1(Build 6A317),存在一个错误或行为更改,当您卸载应用程序时,不会删除用户默认值。

 Usage: simctl [--noxpc] [--set ]  ... | help [subcommand] Command line utility to control the iOS Simulator For subcommands that require a  argument, you may specify a device UDID or the special "booted" string which will cause simctl to pick a booted device. If multiple devices are booted when the "booted" device is selected, simctl will choose one of them. Subcommands: create Create a new device. delete Delete a device. erase Erase a device's contents and settings. boot Boot a device. shutdown Shutdown a device. rename Rename a device. getenv Print an environment variable from a running device. openurl Open a URL in a device. addphoto Add a photo to the photo library of a device. install Install an app on a device. uninstall Uninstall an app from a device. launch Launch an application by identifier on a device. spawn Spawn a process on a device. list List available devices, device types, or runtimes. notify_post Post a darwin notification on a device. icloud_sync Trigger iCloud sync on a device. help Prints the usage for a given subcommand. 


  1. 退出iPhone模拟器
  2. 在终端中,运行:

     xcrun simctl erase all 

这将重置Xcode活动版本( xcode-select -p引用的那个)的所有模拟器的内容和设置。

 xcrun simctl uninstall simulatorIdentifier appBundleId 
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