
我正在寻找有关在Swift中处理CloudKit错误的一般建议,并且无法在线找到好的示例。 以下是我想知道的事情:


2)我已经读过,处理CloudKit错误的一种常见方法是在错误消息提供的时间间隔之后重试执行操作。 这种重试基本上应该是我所有错误的标准程序吗?


提前致谢! 我只是在寻找有关如何使用CloudKit处理error handling的一般信息,因为我不确定从哪里开始。

我编写了一个CloudKit帮助,可以更轻松地处理错误。 这只是一个起点,还有很多可以做的事情。


但是您仍然需要处理不应该重试的错误,例如用户的iCloud存储已满。 即使使用此帮助程序,对这些帮助程序方法之一的每次调用都需要正确处理结果并可能向用户报告错误。 当然,您可以添加一个帮助方法来检查所有可能的错误类型并显示相应的消息。 然后CloudKit代码的所有使用都可以调用一个帮助方法。

这也仅涵盖了一些可能的操作。 您还希望为其他操作添加支持。 最后,这还没有处理部分错误。 这将是另一个有用的增强。

import Foundation import CloudKit public class CloudKitHelper { private static func determineRetry(error: Error) -> Double? { if let ckerror = error as? CKError { switch ckerror { case CKError.requestRateLimited, CKError.serviceUnavailable, CKError.zoneBusy, CKError.networkFailure: let retry = ckerror.retryAfterSeconds ?? 3.0 return retry default: return nil } } else { let nserror = error as NSError if nserror.domain == NSCocoaErrorDomain { if nserror.code == 4097 { print("cloudd is dead") return 6.0 } } print("Unexpected error: \(error)") } return nil } public static func modifyRecordZonesOperation(database: CKDatabase, recordZonesToSave: [CKRecordZone]?, recordZoneIDsToDelete: [CKRecordZoneID]?, modifyRecordZonesCompletionBlock: @escaping (([CKRecordZone]?, [CKRecordZoneID]?, Error?) -> Void)) { let op = CKModifyRecordZonesOperation(recordZonesToSave: recordZonesToSave, recordZoneIDsToDelete: recordZoneIDsToDelete) op.modifyRecordZonesCompletionBlock = { (savedRecordZones: [CKRecordZone]?, deletedRecordZoneIDs: [CKRecordZoneID]?, error: Error?) -> Void in if let error = error { if let delay = determineRetry(error: error) { DispatchQueue.global().asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + delay) { CloudKitHelper.modifyRecordZonesOperation(database: database, recordZonesToSave: recordZonesToSave, recordZoneIDsToDelete: recordZoneIDsToDelete, modifyRecordZonesCompletionBlock: modifyRecordZonesCompletionBlock) } } else { modifyRecordZonesCompletionBlock(savedRecordZones, deletedRecordZoneIDs, error) } } else { modifyRecordZonesCompletionBlock(savedRecordZones, deletedRecordZoneIDs, error) } } database.add(op) } public static func modifyRecords(database: CKDatabase, records: [CKRecord], completion: @escaping (([CKRecord]?, Error?) -> Void)) { CloudKitHelper.modifyAndDeleteRecords(database: database, records: records, recordIDs: nil) { (savedRecords, deletedRecords, error) in completion(savedRecords, error) } } public static func deleteRecords(database: CKDatabase, recordIDs: [CKRecordID], completion: @escaping (([CKRecordID]?, Error?) -> Void)) { CloudKitHelper.modifyAndDeleteRecords(database: database, records: nil, recordIDs: recordIDs) { (savedRecords, deletedRecords, error) in completion(deletedRecords, error) } } public static func modifyAndDeleteRecords(database: CKDatabase, records: [CKRecord]?, recordIDs: [CKRecordID]?, completion: @escaping (([CKRecord]?, [CKRecordID]?, Error?) -> Void)) { let op = CKModifyRecordsOperation(recordsToSave: records, recordIDsToDelete: recordIDs) op.savePolicy = .allKeys op.modifyRecordsCompletionBlock = { (savedRecords: [CKRecord]?, deletedRecordIDs: [CKRecordID]?, error: Error?) -> Void in if let error = error { if let delay = determineRetry(error: error) { DispatchQueue.global().asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + delay) { CloudKitHelper.modifyAndDeleteRecords(database: database, records: records, recordIDs: recordIDs, completion: completion) } } else { completion(savedRecords, deletedRecordIDs, error) } } else { completion(savedRecords, deletedRecordIDs, error) } } database.add(op) } } 

是的,您希望检查每个cloudkit调用是否有错误。 Apple在与云计算相关的WWDCvideo中强调了这一点。

检测到错误时所执行的操作会有很大差异。 重试有时是一种选择,但有时不合适。 如果您正在使用批处理操作,则重试可能需要一些额外的工作来提取失败的记录。 所以,是的,您有时可能想重试,但不,您可能不会自动重试每个失败的操作。

CKError.h定义了一组错误。 但是,你并不总是只得到一个CKError。 有时,尤其是使用CKErrorPartialFailure ,您会收到包含嵌套错误的顶级错误,您还需要解包这些错误。 从IOS 10开始, CKError.h中的错误列表如下所示:

 typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, CKErrorCode) { CKErrorInternalError = 1, /* CloudKit.framework encountered an error. This is a non-recoverable error. */ CKErrorPartialFailure = 2, /* Some items failed, but the operation succeeded overall. Check CKPartialErrorsByItemIDKey in the userInfo dictionary for more details. */ CKErrorNetworkUnavailable = 3, /* Network not available */ CKErrorNetworkFailure = 4, /* Network error (available but CFNetwork gave us an error) */ CKErrorBadContainer = 5, /* Un-provisioned or unauthorized container. Try provisioning the container before retrying the operation. */ CKErrorServiceUnavailable = 6, /* Service unavailable */ CKErrorRequestRateLimited = 7, /* Client is being rate limited */ CKErrorMissingEntitlement = 8, /* Missing entitlement */ CKErrorNotAuthenticated = 9, /* Not authenticated (writing without being logged in, no user record) */ CKErrorPermissionFailure = 10, /* Access failure (save, fetch, or shareAccept) */ CKErrorUnknownItem = 11, /* Record does not exist */ CKErrorInvalidArguments = 12, /* Bad client request (bad record graph, malformed predicate) */ CKErrorResultsTruncated NS_DEPRECATED(10_10, 10_12, 8_0, 10_0, "Will not be returned") = 13, CKErrorServerRecordChanged = 14, /* The record was rejected because the version on the server was different */ CKErrorServerRejectedRequest = 15, /* The server rejected this request. This is a non-recoverable error */ CKErrorAssetFileNotFound = 16, /* Asset file was not found */ CKErrorAssetFileModified = 17, /* Asset file content was modified while being saved */ CKErrorIncompatibleVersion = 18, /* App version is less than the minimum allowed version */ CKErrorConstraintViolation = 19, /* The server rejected the request because there was a conflict with a unique field. */ CKErrorOperationCancelled = 20, /* A CKOperation was explicitly cancelled */ CKErrorChangeTokenExpired = 21, /* The previousServerChangeToken value is too old and the client must re-sync from scratch */ CKErrorBatchRequestFailed = 22, /* One of the items in this batch operation failed in a zone with atomic updates, so the entire batch was rejected. */ CKErrorZoneBusy = 23, /* The server is too busy to handle this zone operation. Try the operation again in a few seconds. */ CKErrorBadDatabase = 24, /* Operation could not be completed on the given database. Likely caused by attempting to modify zones in the public database. */ CKErrorQuotaExceeded = 25, /* Saving a record would exceed quota */ CKErrorZoneNotFound = 26, /* The specified zone does not exist on the server */ CKErrorLimitExceeded = 27, /* The request to the server was too large. Retry this request as a smaller batch. */ CKErrorUserDeletedZone = 28, /* The user deleted this zone through the settings UI. Your client should either remove its local data or prompt the user before attempting to re-upload any data to this zone. */ CKErrorTooManyParticipants NS_AVAILABLE(10_12, 10_0) = 29, /* A share cannot be saved because there are too many participants attached to the share */ CKErrorAlreadyShared NS_AVAILABLE(10_12, 10_0) = 30, /* A record/share cannot be saved, doing so would cause a hierarchy of records to exist in multiple shares */ CKErrorReferenceViolation NS_AVAILABLE(10_12, 10_0) = 31, /* The target of a record's parent or share reference was not found */ CKErrorManagedAccountRestricted NS_AVAILABLE(10_12, 10_0) = 32, /* Request was rejected due to a managed account restriction */ CKErrorParticipantMayNeedVerification NS_AVAILABLE(10_12, 10_0) = 33, /* Share Metadata cannot be determined, because the user is not a member of the share. There are invited participants on the share with email addresses or phone numbers not associated with any iCloud account. The user may be able to join the share if they can associate one of those email addresses or phone numbers with their iCloud account via the system Share Accept UI. Call UIApplication's openURL on this share URL to have the user attempt to verify their information. */ } NS_ENUM_AVAILABLE(10_10, 8_0); 

在开发和测试应用程序时,一种方法是检查每个cloudkit操作是否存在错误,如果检测到,则触发NSAssert以停止应用程序。 然后,检查错误,基础错误和上下文,以确定它失败的原因以及您需要做些什么。 最有可能的是,随着时间的推移,您会看到常见的模式出现,然后您可以考虑构建一个通用的error handling程序。