
下面是目标C中类似问题的答案 ,但我不确定将其转换为MonoTouch的正确方法。

基本上,我希望能够抓住JavaScript错误,至less知道文件名和行号 – 不幸的是, window.onerror并没有给出这个重要的信息。


我采用了由Robert Sanders和Kresimir Prcela的答案所启发的Pablo的UIWebView+Debug类。


更新: 这里是如何在Mountain Lion中debuggingUIWebView – 你需要下载一个旧版本的Chromium。

请记住,在debugging时只使用私有API,如果您提交应用程序并忘记删除这些调用,Apple将拒绝您的应用程序。 出于这个原因,Xcode和MonoDevelop代码都使用DEBUG条件。



UIWebView的+ Debug.h

 // // WebView+Debug.h // VOL // // Created by Pablo Guillen Schlippe on 26.07.11. // Copyright 2011 Medienhaus. // /* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ // This little drop in category is based on the following StackOverflow article: // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/193119/ #ifdef DEBUG // Use this to toggle logging #define kDidParseSource 0 #define kFailedToParseSource 1 #define kExceptionWasRaised 1 #define kDidEnterCallFrame 0 #define kWillExecuteStatement 0 #define kWillLeaveCallFrame 0 void enableRemoteWebInspector(void); #endif 

UIWebView的+ Debug.m

 // // WebView+Debug.m // VOL // // Created by Pablo Guillen Schlippe on 26.07.11. // Copyright 2011 Medienhaus. All rights reserved. // #ifdef DEBUG #import <objc/runtime.h> #import "UIWebView+Debug.h" @class WebView; @class WebFrame; @class WebScriptCallFrame; #pragma mark - static NSString* getAddress() { id myhost =[NSClassFromString(@"NSHost") performSelector:@selector(currentHost)]; if (myhost) { for (NSString* address in [myhost performSelector:@selector(addresses)]) { if ([address rangeOfString:@"::"].location == NSNotFound) { return address; } } } return @""; } void enableRemoteWebInspector() { [NSClassFromString(@"WebView") performSelector:@selector(_enableRemoteInspector)]; NSLog(@"Point your browser at http://%@:9999", getAddress()); } #pragma mark - @interface ScriptDebuggerDelegate : NSObject -(id)functionNameForFrame:(WebScriptCallFrame*)frame; -(id)callerForFrame:(WebScriptCallFrame*)frame; -(id)exceptionForFrame:(WebScriptCallFrame*)frame; @end #pragma mark - @implementation ScriptDebuggerDelegate // We only have access to the public methods declared in the header / class // The private methods can also be accessed but raise a warning. // Use runtime selectors to suppress warnings #pragma clang diagnostic push #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Warc-performSelector-leaks" -(id)functionNameForFrame:(WebScriptCallFrame*)frame { SEL functionNameSelector = @selector(functionName); return [(id)frame performSelector:functionNameSelector]; } -(id)callerForFrame:(WebScriptCallFrame*)frame { SEL callerSelector = @selector(caller); return [(id)frame performSelector:callerSelector]; } -(id)exceptionForFrame:(WebScriptCallFrame*)frame { SEL exceptionSelector = @selector(exception); return [(id)frame performSelector:exceptionSelector]; } #pragma clang diagnostic pop - (void)webView:(WebView *)webView didParseSource:(NSString *)source baseLineNumber:(unsigned)lineNumber fromURL:(NSURL *)url sourceId:(int)sid forWebFrame:(WebFrame *)webFrame { if (kDidParseSource) NSLog(@"ScriptDebugger called didParseSource: \nsourceId=%d, \nurl=%@", sid, url); } // some source failed to parse - (void)webView:(WebView *)webView failedToParseSource:(NSString *)source baseLineNumber:(unsigned)lineNumber fromURL:(NSURL *)url withError:(NSError *)error forWebFrame:(WebFrame *)webFrame { if (kFailedToParseSource) NSLog(@"ScriptDebugger called failedToParseSource:\ \nurl=%@ \nline=%d \nerror=%@ \nsource=%@", url, lineNumber, error, source); } - (void)webView:(WebView *)webView exceptionWasRaised:(WebScriptCallFrame *)frame sourceId:(int)sid line:(int)lineno forWebFrame:(WebFrame *)webFrame { if (kExceptionWasRaised) NSLog(@"ScriptDebugger exception:\ \nsourceId=%d \nline=%d \nfunction=%@, \ncaller=%@, \nexception=%@", sid, lineno, [self functionNameForFrame:frame], [self callerForFrame:frame], [self exceptionForFrame:frame]); } // just entered a stack frame (ie called a function, or started global scope) - (void)webView:(WebView *)webView didEnterCallFrame:(WebScriptCallFrame *)frame sourceId:(int)sid line:(int)lineno forWebFrame:(WebFrame *)webFrame { if (kDidEnterCallFrame) NSLog(@"ScriptDebugger didEnterCallFrame:\ \nsourceId=%d \nline=%d \nfunction=%@, \ncaller=%@, \nexception=%@", sid, lineno, [self functionNameForFrame:frame], [self callerForFrame:frame], [self exceptionForFrame:frame]); } // about to execute some code - (void)webView:(WebView *)webView willExecuteStatement:(WebScriptCallFrame *)frame sourceId:(int)sid line:(int)lineno forWebFrame:(WebFrame *)webFrame { if (kWillExecuteStatement) NSLog(@"ScriptDebugger willExecuteStatement:\ \nsourceId=%d \nline=%d \nfunction=%@, \ncaller=%@, \nexception=%@", sid, lineno, [self functionNameForFrame:frame], [self callerForFrame:frame], [self exceptionForFrame:frame]); } // about to leave a stack frame (ie return from a function) - (void)webView:(WebView *)webView willLeaveCallFrame:(WebScriptCallFrame *)frame sourceId:(int)sid line:(int)lineno forWebFrame:(WebFrame *)webFrame { if (kWillLeaveCallFrame) NSLog(@"ScriptDebugger willLeaveCallFrame:\ \nsourceId=%d \nline=%d \nfunction=%@, \ncaller=%@, \nexception=%@", sid, lineno, [self functionNameForFrame:frame], [self callerForFrame:frame], [self exceptionForFrame:frame]); } @end #pragma mark - @interface UIWebView () -(id)setScriptDebugDelegate:(id)delegate; @end #pragma mark - @implementation UIWebView (Debug) - (void)webView:(id)sender didClearWindowObject:(id)windowObject forFrame:(WebFrame*)frame { ScriptDebuggerDelegate* delegate = [[ScriptDebuggerDelegate alloc] init]; objc_setAssociatedObject(sender, @"ScriptDebuggerDelegate", delegate, OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN); [sender setScriptDebugDelegate:delegate]; } @end #endif 



 [Register ("AppDelegate")] public partial class AppDelegate : UIApplicationDelegate { [Conditional("DEBUG")] [DllImport ("__Internal", EntryPoint = "enableWebInspector")] public extern static void EnableRemoteWebInspector (); public override bool FinishedLaunching (UIApplication application, NSDictionary launchOptions) { // It will tell you the port in the console, // More info here: http://antony_perkov.blogspot.com/2012/03/debugging-uiwebview-content-in.html EnableRemoteWebInspector(); return true; } } 




 -gcc_flags "-L${ProjectDir}/Native -lNativeLib-arm7 -force_load ${ProjectDir}/Native/libNativeLib-arm7.a" 


 -gcc_flags "-L${ProjectDir}/Native -lNativeLib-i386 -force_load ${ProjectDir}/Native/libNativeLib-i386.a" 




 sh ${SolutionDir}/NativeLib/compile-arm "${ProjectConfigName}" 


 sh ${SolutionDir}/NativeLib/compile-arm "${ProjectConfigName}" 





 xcodebuild -project NativeLib.xcodeproj -target NativeLib -sdk iphonesimulator -configuration $1 clean build cp build/$1-iphonesimulator/libNativeLib.a ../ProjectName/Native/libNativeLib-i386.a 


 xcodebuild -project NativeLib.xcodeproj -target NativeLib -sdk iphoneos -arch armv6 -configuration $1 clean build cp build/$1-iphoneos/libNativeLib.a ../ProjectName/Native/libNativeLib-arm6.a xcodebuild -project NativeLib.xcodeproj -target NativeLib -sdk iphoneos -arch armv7 -configuration $1 clean build cp build/$1-iphoneos/libNativeLib.a ../ProjectName/Native/libNativeLib-arm7.a 
